Come See My Exploration of Mushrooms on November 30th (22 Mushroom Photos)



Hello Fungi Lovers friends, it's been a long time since I posted mushrooms in this community, and finally today I have the opportunity to share my mushroom hunt today with all of you.

All the photos of mushrooms that I share in this post, I took in the nearest palm oil plantation around where I live, the location is about 30 minutes drive from my house, and here I went with two other friends namely Iqbal (@iq-bal) and Rizky. Below I have also added some photos of them while doing photo shoots.

Tell me a little about the weather today, this morning until noon in the area where I live, it is raining, and in the afternoon it is still a little drizzling, but the weather is a little sunny when 2 hours before night, and we also prepared to hunt mushrooms, considering that the soil is very friendly for mold growth, because it is moist.

Oke buddy, without procrastinating in the opening sentence, I immediately invite you to see several types of mushroom photos that I took using a smartphone camera and the help of a macro lens. (for full details I have made in tabular form at the end of this post), hope you like it. β˜ΊπŸ‘

This is a photo of my activity when taking photos of mushrooms in the fifth order.

"Mushroom #1 Coprinellus micaceus"

This is the first mushroom photo I took when I arrived at the palm husk pile, and for the size of this mushroom it is so small that without a macro lens, it will be difficult to get in focus at close range, so I can capture it in an image.



For the name of this mushroom I got when I searched for it on google lenses, and I think this is the same type of mushroom that I share this.



"Mushroom #2 Splitgill mushroom"

This is the second mushroom photo I found, this fungus also grows on a pile of palm tree bark. When I googled lenses, I found the name Splitgill mushroom, and I think this name fits the image I'm showing.



"Mushroom #3 Enokitake"

This is the third mushroom that I will share with mushroom lovers friends, but I'm not so sure about the name I found on google lenses, please correct me if you know another name for this type of mushroom.



"Mushroom #4 Little fan mushroom"

And yes, this is the fourth mushroom that I found today, it is also small, and this I took using a 25 mm macro lens. I'm not sure about the name of this mushroom, but here I call it by the name of the little fan mushroom.




"Mushroom #5 Coprinellus domesticus"

This is the fifth mushroom photo, my friend said, this is a delicious mushroom to eat, his parents often bring this type of mushroom home. And when I searched for the name on google lens, I found the name Coprinellus domesticus which I think is the same as the mushroom in this section.



"Mushroom #6 Coprinus"

And this is the last mushroom I found, which is the sixth leaf, the size of this mushroom is very small, and it grows right on a pile of palm skin. And I think this is a young Coprinus.



"My Friend"

Here below are photos of my two friends, according to my promise written in the introduction to this post.

Rizky on the right, and @iq-bal on the left

Why didn't I mentio Rizky here, because he hasn't played yet, and he's a Youtuber. You can view its content by typing on the search "Ini Naky" or Click here.


Okay buddy, maybe that's all my photos and writing, sorry if there are some words that are not understood, and I hope you like it, see you my next post. πŸ€—

See also my post publication history in this Fungi lovers community.


CameraPoco X3 NFC
LensSony 25 mm & Q-Lens 35 mm
ProcessMobile Lightroom
LocationIndonesia - Aceh

1636127872235.jpg1636127922133 (1).jpg

~"About Me"~

M. Alan Mirza (@Mirz)

My name is M. Alan Mirza, I am currently 28 years old, I come from Asia, to be precise in Indonesia - Sumatra Island. I work as an emergency room administrator, namely in the Medical Record section at Cut Meutia Hospital. My hobbies are uncertain, my hobbies follow my mood, sometimes I like reading, sometimes I like writing, sometimes I like photographing small insects and other small object, sometimes I also like to play games for a long time.😁

10% Beneficiary to @hive-166168

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