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Fungi Friday - Several Kinds of Dried Mushrooms for Winter

Hello, today I would like to tell you about some mushrooms that my parents dried for the winter.

And so meet the first mushroom, this is Entoloma Clypeatum
This is a spring mushroom, one of the first in our area.

Dad says that this is the most delicious spring mushroom! I can't eat mushrooms yet, so let's take his word for it ...

The second mushroom begins to grow closer to summer and grows until cold weather, this mushroom is from the genus Clitocybe, but it is not clear which one exactly ... Can you tell me !?

This mushroom is suitable for any dish!

Dried Entoloma clypeatum and Clitocybe are very good in soups and give the broth a wonderful flavor! But the next mushroom is simply incomparable when fried ...

And this is Macrolepiota procera

This mushroom is rightfully considered a delicacy, and does not require preliminary manipulation.

These are the preparations for the winter made by my parents!
What are your favorite mushrooms and dishes from them? Please tell me.

It's time for me to sleep, so I'm leaving.
And happy #fFungi Friday to everybody!