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Fungi Friday : On hard wood


According to Mushroom Expert, these mushrooms not only have a tendency to grow on the sides of dead wood, but also underneath, where it displays its capless version! I saw the capless version but didn't really focus on taking pictures of that version. What you see here is that they serve expanding caps as well as those that appear effuse-reflexed.

Ischnoderma resinosum is a species in the family Fomitopsidaceae that I found in a wood overgrown with several types of hardwood trees. The trees that were felled there may have been a little old, but they had not rotted, and looked still very hard, so that these velvety-looking hard-fleshed saprobics liked. The color is quite attractive because of the dark colors that are bordered by white on the edges.

These stemless, rack-appearing mushrooms are distributed in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America, and what you see are those in Aceh, Sumatra. But the question of whether these mushrooms are edible or not, I think, is interesting to read this article.