The dry Omphalotus Olivascens

I accidentally found this fungus in a felled tree, it was a hot day that day and I'm sure this fungus was wet and humid at first, but by the time I found it, it was a bit dry.

It's hard to get mushrooms around me, I found this accidentally, didn't wait long, I immediately took a picture of it.

I'm trying to identify this type of mushroom with the help of Google Lens. I try to see the closest to the picture I have.

I consider this to be Omphalatus Olivascens, similar, especially if it's wetter and more humid. As I said above, it looks like the mushrooms I found have dried up.

This one grows independently from the other assemblages, there was a small stone near it.

I am pretty sure that those Fungi are inedible.

So, what kind of mushrooms do you think these are? Do you have a different opinion? Please leave comments and suggestions.