You can feast your eyes on these mushrooms that I have encountered

Hello good friend..

At this opportunity I still with yesterday's story. So when I entered the forest of course I got some nice mushrooms, from a distance I thought they weren't mushrooms because their shapes and colors really caught my eye. At first I thought this was a hidden treasure surfacing. I was so happy when I thought of this precious treasure, and it turned out to be just mold that adorned old wood.

Because with its deep red color, so I wanted to take a picture of it, actually I entered the forest not for the purpose of looking for mushrooms but because it looks like this so this is my opportunity to also capture some photos of these mushrooms.

I think you must be very close to the name of this mushroom, because I often see it in various posts of friends in this hive, so I want to do it again, as I remember, I have also posted with this type of mushroom.

I call this mushroom as the red glass, because it is almost similar to a wine glass. After all this mushroom is an old woody flower, which adorns the ground surface.

Okay. Let's close the discussion about this red mushroom first, because I have another surprise for you, with the banana petal mushroom, usually this mushroom grows in between banana trees like on the skin or petals and even on the rotting roots.

Well it looks like my ingredients have run out so it's enough to get here first. Thank you so much for your visit.


CameraSmartphone Gcam
LocationEarth Aceh
MessageI am very happy to share with you
Little Payment for@hive-166168
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