Spread Kindness with 'You Matter' Cards

You Matter: Making a Difference with Just Two Words

Hi, Everybody! ✨

Here's a wonderful way to practice intentional kindness. I've recently discovered an inspiring initiative that struck a chord with me. It's called "You Matter" cards. You might have seen me mention these cards in my writings, and you might be wondering what they are. Let me explain what they are, how they work, where to get them or how to make your own, and how you can use them to spread kindness and positivity.

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Can Just Two Words Change Someone’s Life?

What if those same two words could transform the world?
Cheryl Rice, the founder of the You Matter Marathon—No Running Required—believes they can.

For further inspiration, I recommend watching the TED Talk.

Watch the TED Talk

"Cheryl Rice: You Matter: Changing the World with Two Words,"

You Matter Marathon

The "You Matter" cards were created by the You Matter Marathon. These simple yet powerful cards carry a profound message: You matter. In a world where we often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, these cards serve as a reminder of the importance of empathy, kindness, compassion, and human connection. They offer a beautiful opportunity to extend deliberate acts of kindness and create a positive impact with just a simple card containing two words!

Be Kind to Anyone With Ease

The You Matter cards are designed to be shared with others to let them know that they are seen, cared for, and valued. By spreading these "You Matter" cards in various ways, we can brighten someone's day, uplift their spirits, and remind them of their worth.

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You can print some of your own or request some "Free Printed You Matter Cards."
They are available on the You Matter Marathon website here.

Give Someone Hope

The You Matter Cards were created to give hope to those who are discouraged, disenfranchised, or unaware of their significance in the world. By sharing the simple message "You Matter" with people who are struggling, we have the opportunity to positively influence their lives. It's a simple but powerful way to show kindness and make a difference in someone's day.

I Gave My Friend Don a Card

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"You Matter Marathon" Video

Cheryl Rice initiated the You Matter Marathon after receiving a card with "You Matter" on it. She witnessed the impact of affirmations on others. The marathon aims to spread the message that everyone is important and to encourage giving and receiving affirmations. Recipients of "You Matter" cards feel loved and valued, emphasizing the importance of such gestures in connecting people.

Print "You Matter Cards"


Print some cards via this PDF Printable Form available here.

Order You Matter Cards

You can order some You Matter Cards from the You Matter Marathon official website here.

100 Ways to Share a Card

There are different ways to share the cards and start conversations about kindness. Share the cards with people you meet this month and post about it on social media. Sharing these cards reminds others about the importance of feeling noticed and included. Some ways to share the cards include:

  • Friends & family
  • Garbage collectors
  • Hospital workers
  • People who are homeless
  • In a stroller parked at the zoo
  • Leave one in your post office box or mailbox for your carrier
  • Gas station credit card holder
  • Put a card into the free drawing box in offices with a little note to say thank you for services
  • Leave one on a counter near a register
  • Put some in books at the library or bookstores as a bookmark
  • Give one to the waiter who serves you
  • Slip a card into a coworker's desk
  • Leave a card on a neighbor's doorstep
  • Send a card along with a thank-you note
  • Tuck a card into a library book for the next reader
  • Place a card on a colleague's computer keyboard
  • Mail a card to a friend you haven't spoken to in a while
  • Hide a card in your partner's wallet or purse
  • Include a card in a care package for someone going through a tough time
  • Attach a card to a bouquet of flowers

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  • Pass a card to a stranger with a smile
  • Leave a card at a bus stop for someone to find
  • Share a card during a family dinner
  • Put a card in your child's lunchbox
  • Slip a card into a book at the bookstore
  • Tape a card to a vending machine for the next person
  • Give a card to your mail carrier or delivery person
  • Drop a card at a nursing home for residents to discover
  • Include a card in a birthday card for an extra touch
  • Leave a card on someone's windshield
  • Send a card to a teacher who made an impact on you
  • Place a card in your gym locker for someone else to find
  • Share a card during a virtual meeting or call
  • Tuck a card into your child's backpack
  • Give a card to your barista or server with their tip
  • Attach a card to a homemade treat for a neighbor
  • Pass a card to someone waiting in line with you
  • Leave a card in your doctor's office waiting area
  • Send a card to a mentor or role model
  • Hide a card in your sibling's room as a surprise
  • Share a card during a community event or gathering
  • Keep a few cards handy for spontaneous acts of kindness

Let's keep spreading kindness, building connections, and fostering positivity through the simple act of giving people these cards. Small gestures can truly make a big difference in someone's life.

How will you share yours?

Read more ideas on the You Matter Marathon Website here.
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You Matter Marathon For Classrooms

School Districts and Teachers are invited to join the You Matter Marathon to foster citizenship, character, and compassion in students and the community. Download the YMM Guide for schools to get involved here.

Quick Reference

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  • Print “You Matter Cards” here.
  • Send for “You Matter Cards” here.
  • You Matter Kindness Facts here.
  • Join the Hive Kindness Community and remember, your presence matters! Join here.

You Matter!
Thank You for reading.
#kindness #hivekindness #cwh #community #kindnessmatters #PeakD #payitforward #bekind #bekind #smile #dreemer
images created using dal-e and canva, apart from don, I took that picture.

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