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Self-kindness - overcoming challenges.


You know the word Charity begins at home can be liken to almost every situation. One thing I know that we humans do is that we radiate energy because underneath that flesh, tissue, bones and blood is an energy force field which sustains humanity. Hence, what you give out of you in the likes of thought becomes your reality, it becomes how people treat you, how they perceive you and how your life turns out.

The buy one, get one free with self-kindness is that once we are kind to ourself, we automatically respect ourself and we are telling ourself that it's ok to make mistakes because we are naturally flawed, we are telling ourselves that it's ok to fail but then no matter how much we fail and how hard we might fall, we will not remain failures and that failing is a learning curve to gather experiences to be better. Life becomes a constant learning process that we understand because we are kind to ourselves and when we have that self respect, selfcompassion and selflove, we will not curse or use any negative word on ourselves when we fail, we will not be bitter to ourselves and beat ourselves up for falling short, instead we would want to help ourself grow in any and every situation, constantly improving ourselves to be the best version of ourselves.


When we express kindness towards ourself, we start seeing life from a different perspective. Kindness to self changes how we think, it changes our mentality because then our thought process will be tilting towards positivity and possibilities which makes life worthwhile and enjoyable.

With self kindness and respect, there will be no room to feel the need to be competitive, envious or jealous over someone else's growth process because you trust your own growth process and acknowledge your effort that you are doing great in your own capacity.


Focusing on your own life and taking cognisance of your achievements will give you mental stability and leave you in a sound emotional state such that you are not intimidated or depressed over someone else's bragging right because, respecting and being kind to yourself is not letting the actions or words of another person rubbish or ridicule you and in return you get the respect and admiration of your peers.

You know there is something about being kind to your self and that is, you have so much love to give such that people get easily attracted to you. When you care about yourself, you improve on your tendencies to be in a better position to assist others because for starters you cannot render help, be kind or assist anyone from a place of lack and this is not restricted to finance. It could be anything that can easily elevate the mood of another such as kind encouraging words, companionship, attention or even sharing your time and creating memorable moments like having a picnic or going on a road trip.

How can we incorporate kindness to our daily life?

This is very simple yet very difficult but how about starting from something basic, like staring at yourself in the mirror and smiling at your reflection while saying sweet kind words to yourself like you would a lover?

how about going on a sit out, seeing a movie and just enjoying your own company?

Staying away from the internet and having a sober reflection on your life's work and achievement seems nice too.

Or how about congratulating yourself and celebrating your little wins? I could go on and on but I'd stop here as these are just simple ways you can make being kind to yourself a daily routine..



I was the third person in a taxi and the passengers are usually three in the back and two at the front. I was the third person completing the back seat and in a short while a woman who is fat came but then the driver told her she cannot sit at the front unless she wants to pay for the two space but the lady insisted on paying for one space as that's all she could afford. The driver then asked her to take the next vehicle loading. I saw how frustrated the lady looked not knowing how soon the next vehicle will get filled for take off. So I came down and entered the front seat since I'm slim I could share with another person that's not too fat. The woman was so grateful as well as the driver as they kept thanking me for being considerate.


School run has always been a struggle for me but I try to keep up. On this day I had explained to my daughter that I will be late for school run as I nedded to pick up my parcel from the delivery company and I don't know how long that would take. Its either that or they bring it to my house by Friday, but then I felt Friday would be too far let me just go for the pickup.

After explaining to my daughter, she said ok but then went on to tell me how her classmates families usually come early to pick up her classmates making her the last person to go home. I listened to her and my heart broke because I never wanted her to feel neglected. I immediately cancelled me going for the pick up and decided to wait for the home delivery come Friday. I then told her that I'm not going for the pick up again, because I will be coming to pick her up early of which I kept to my words, as I got to her school 20mins to her closing time.

I feel she saw me from her classroom window because after the closing bell rang, she was the first to come out and was really excited to see me.


I had come across a fellow mother's post on hive in motherhood community. She shared her struggles balancing between work and motherhood and my heart melted because that is exactly what I'm going through and I could relate in all angles how she's feeling because trust me its mentally draining as there were days I would want to feel like I'm a terrible mother like my tuesday experience with my child. But then I'd constantly remind myself that I'm trying and giving my best according to my own capabilities. I went on and dropped a comment and tried encouraging the hiver as much as I could, while sending her lots of love and encouraging words. her response uplifted me for the day as ahe appreciated me whole heartedly for sharing in her struggles and encouraging her.


I brought the kindness to hive by dropping kind and encouraging comments on people's post and even engaging some in their comment section. I had fun doing that and it was really refreshing how the hivers reciprocated the energy.

And that's my entry for week two on the kindness prompt.