Warm Rain to Winter Snow : A Cape Cod day

I'm always amazed by the beauty and Nature of this place. Tho I've seen my veiw for years, decades, really ,I never grow tired of it and it never ceases to amaze.

This day was the perfect example of "If you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes." We'd promise of snow, but I was skeptical as I worked in my studio and could hear the rain tap tapping at my window. The weather reports are always being dramatic about 'great storms coming' and so on, but I doubted it.

Then soft Spring-like rain turned to magical snow. and it fell softly but still a bit damp .I was skeptical if i'd stick.

The snow came, it chilled, and the next day was that magical snow that crunches with your steps." And it made for a glorious chilly morning beach comb. Sometimes beachcoming on days like this results in more visual treausres to store away to use as patterns in paintings and fabric design.

The magic and majesty of #nature for certain. I hope you enjoy this little moment of a day and the following morning on the seaside Cape Cod.

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