Clinic Monday: The doctors diagnosis on my son.


Our morning started happy because my son looks feeling well. We thought he will continue to feel better. He started to eat and even play to her cousin. You know the feeling that you saw the normal him. It makes me feel happy and grateful and I thanked God for that.

My husband arrived in the house at 10:30 AM for early lunch. He is planning to take a half day earlier if our son is not yet okay but since he was okay earlier I told him to go to work. It was 12:00 in the afternoon when I feel that he's hot again and check his temperature and it's 38 degree Celsius. I look at his arms and when I saw his tummy and chest it looks like that there's a rashes that's why I am panicked. My husband was not here and I'm all alone but I can't wait my husband out to work before we go to the clinic that's why I decided to make it alone.

I went to my Aunt to asked them to take good care of my niece first because we will be going to the clinic. The house of my Aunt is few house away from ours. I called a tricycle driver in the terminal and we went to Cabiao General Hospital for blood laboratory but unfortunately they didn't allowed us without the request of any doctor. Theres no pediatrician in the hospital that scheduled that time so that I have no choice but to look for other. The tricycle driver is waiting for us outside. I service him so that it would be convenient for me because commuting is really hard.


We went to the other clinic and thankfully there's a clinic who offers laboratory at the same time we can go for check up there but that's our first time to do check up. My son's pediatrician is sicked that's why we need to find a new one. The doctor has a good review in our municipality Facebook group that's why I also trusted him.

At first since it our first time to go there the secretary asked me a few question and asked about the condition of my son. I told her that he has a fever , a little cough and sometimes his stomach hurts. I also added that I want to know if he has a dengue that's why I want to know his platelet count. We waited for a couple of minutes and then they requested for a urine and blood sample. It's hard to have a blood sample because my son was crying and don't want the injection and because of that he ended up with two injection.


After this we waited for almost 2 hours because there's a lot of patient. Our turn comes at 3:00 PM and the doctors diagnosis is that my son has a high infection that's why he has a fever. It's my fault because I always allow him to eat junk foods. The doctor even point out my son's kulani. The little circle in the back of the ears. Those kulani are indication that a person has something infection or bacteria in the body. Since the infection of my son is high the doctor prescribe him an antibiotic which is cefixime. He also prescribe for a cough and colds and two vitamins for immune system.


These medicines and vitamins is also available in there clinic because they have pharmacy infront. The anti bacterial is little bit pricey same as the vitamins like 480 pesos and 350 or 360. All in all I have paid 2020 pesos from check up , laboratory and medicine.

We will go back after 3 days for the follow up check up. As of this moment my son is sleeping and looks okay tho. I hope he will be totally fine on the next days.


This is the result of his hematology and his platelet count is okay.

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