5 Tips for: Surviving The First Week || Mom Life

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The first 7 days are the hardest...

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1. - Enlist an extra set of hands

Look you can be all single mom power and all but after you deliver your baby specially if it was a c-section you will need help, is not like you can’t do it all by yourself and be an awesome and kick ass mom but… if you don’t want to go bananas doing this at least for the first few days while you get the ¨hey this is how this will work out¨ figure out you should have help.

Imagine with a c-section and the pain that comes alone with it, having to stand right or bend for something that felt and you are all alone nope a good picture right? Make sure your partner is there and help you if he/she is not available a family member or a friend can give you a helping hand.

2. - Sleep when the baby sleeps

This is something everybody says is common to listen to this when you are pregnant, but I don’t think we fully grasp how important this is until you don’t do it and you regretted it for the rest of your life LOL, at first I thought omg I'm not tired yet, I want to talk to my boyfriend about the whole experience inside the OR and what it felt like and what I saw and what I hear the doctors talk… then the night arrive, the kid didn’t want to sleep no more and there I was tired as hell wishing I would have just felt sleep instead of telling my bf all the things I'm sure he didn’t even pay attention to.
So, SLEEP do not think you are not tired you will be and you will regretted it if you don’t do it.

3. - Keep visitors to a minimum

As soon as the baby is born everybody wants to come visit to meet him/her, is not your duty, you are not oblige to welcome them in, don’t feel bad about it, just tell them politely to wait a little bit more, maybe a couple of days or even a couple of weeks, until you and your partner get the whole new parents thing figure out a little at least.

Having people over will not only mean you wont be able to rest while you should but also mean you will get all the advice unwanted and unasked for you hate believe me, cause once people sees you doing something different or doubting yourself from something is probably a first time you are doing, they will give advice even if you don’t want it.

4. - Stock your kitchen with snacks

Girl! I know you want to lose all the baby weight, but give your body time to rest and health, take advantage of this first week to count it as you were still pregnant, keep snacks near you at all time especially if you are breastfeeding, this tends to make you hungry a lot! Also water! Breastfeeding will make you feel so thirsty even though you just drink a full glass of water.

5. - Keep baby supplies in multiple rooms.

You think oh the diaper I will change it on the station I have for it, the feeding will happen in this chair I bought especially to breastfeed… yeah that is not how things go with a new born, they will grab your plans and laugh at you.

Keeping baby supplies all over the house will help you feel more relax if something happens and you cannot reach the place where you were planning on happening.

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They may seem like the hardest days but they fly by so quickly you should enjoy them as much as you can, cause elater you will miss this phase.

As always, would love to read about your own experience on this, so please leave a comment or better yet, make a post in The Motherhood Community.

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I hope to read your comments!

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