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Berrinches / Tantrums [Esp-Ing]


Hola a todos nuevamente, una vez más vengo a publicar sobre mi día a día como madre. Como siempre lo he dicho, ser madre es todo un reto, más cuando eres totalmente inexperta. Cada día se desbloquea algo nuevo en el desarrollo intelectual y motriz de nuestros niños y siempre debemos estar preparadas para ellos.

Hoy les comentaré un poco sobre los “Berrinches”, obvio a todas nuestras hermosas bendiciones nos han hecho un berrinche por cualquier cosa, por más ridícula que parezca, que en el momento no sabemos si reír enojarnos, pero de que nos desesperamos, de eso no hay duda.

Uno de los berrinches en los que más canas me ha sacado, es el de la hora de vestirse, nada le parece, para ella mejor es andar en pantys y ya, cuando intento colocarle una camisa o un vestido, allí comienza la guerra, donde incluye gritos, patadas, lágrimas y todo el paquete de drama incluido. Otro de los berrinches que más estrés me causa, es cuando no quiere que haga nada, que no le gusta que haga algo que no sea estar con ella, eso incluye cocinar, lavar o incluso dormir, si ella no quiere que lo haga es un berrinche asegurado para llamar mi atención, a esto obvio se le llama mal criada, mingona y si, es algo que se corrige y tengo que corregir, cuesta, pero es necesario.

La verdad que a la hora de hacer berrinches, a nuestros bebés no les importa lo insignificante que sea, si les da sentimiento, van a lloraran. Como dije, en esos momentos no sabemos si reír o enojarnos, solo debemos tener paciencia.

Se muy bien que muchas saben de lo que hablo, a todos nos ha pasado, más cuando de sus primeros años de vida se trata, solo debemos ser pacientes y armarlos.

Hello everyone again, once again I come to post about my day to day as a mother. As I have always said, being a mother is a challenge, especially when you are totally inexperienced. Every day something new is unlocked in the intellectual and motor development of our children and we must always be prepared for them.

Today I will tell you a little about the "Tantrums", obviously all our beautiful blessings have thrown us a tantrum for anything, as ridiculous as it may seem, that at the moment we do not know If we laugh we get angry, but that we despair, there is no doubt about that.

One of the tantrums in which she has taken the most gray hair, is the time to get dressed, nothing seems to her, for her it is better to walk in pantyhose and now, when I try to put a shirt or dress on her, that's where the war begins, which includes screaming, kicking, tears, and the whole package of drama included.Another of the tantrums that causes me the most stress is when she doesn't want me to do anything, that she doesn't like me to do something other than being with her, that includes cooking, washing, or even sleeping, if she doesn't want me to, it's a guaranteed tantrum to get my attention, This is obviously called a bad maid, mingona and yes, it is something that is corrected and I have to correct, it costs, but it is necessaris

The truth is that when it comes to throwing tantrums, our babies do not care how insignificant it is, if it gives them feeling, they will cry. As I said, in those moments we don't know whether to laugh or get angry, we just have to be patient.

I know very well that many of you know what I am talking about, it has happened to all of us, especially when it comes to their first years of life, we just have to be patient and put them together.

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