How do you spend or would you spend your weekend?


Hi everyone, how your weekend going?, I am sure it's great, we know in met countries ,Fridays are always the start of a new weekend, from Friday everyone has started planning their weekend , things they would do during the weekend.

So for me my weekend began on friday, on weekends I try to keep the house clean and, so here's what I do from Friday to Sunday


On Fridays I always make sure to bring out anything dirty from the house be it clothes or whatsoever, I take them all out on Fridays and I wash them all,you see I tend to be a neat freak sometimes, so whenever Fridays comes it's a washing day for me, and until I am done washing , I wouldn't eat, cause I would feel heavy when I eat.


What can I say being a mother is tasking, but also a sacrifice for those little kids, so most of my Fridays spend them cleaning the house, the only times I default is when I have more clothes to wash , then i wouldn't even bother cleaning , I would only just sweep and put things in other in the house.


I have heard many people say , they flex on Saturdays, hmmm sometimes too I wish I could flex , like go to partiers with friends and neighbors, attend functions with people, but nah when you are in the choir In church ,you got no way out of it, especially when your singing is truly to your maker, my Saturdays are always busy in sense that I would have made sure to do every hard chores that I wantee to do, Saturdays are now meant for putting things in other, cause by 1:30pm we should have left the house to make it for church rehearsal by 2pm.
I'm our choir we have a very strict rules against lateness , so that why we try to leave the house in time, on Saturdays I don't have it packed with chores ,cause I would want to stress out myself before rehearsal, also our rehearsal last till 6pm sometimes,and if we have a particular event the next day , we might still be rehearsing till 7pm or 8pm, many people have asked me why we take so long during our rehearsal?, and this is my reply to them, " on a normal note , rehearsal are suppose to hold two to three times a week but because all the choir members are working class , they work Monday to Friday, so we don't fix rehearsal on weekdays, that's why we just make it on Saturday by 2pm till anytime we are done" though many have complained and dropped out of choir for this reason, but we that don't mind we try to work out our schedule to meet and serve God how we can. That doesn't mean the others don't serve God .


Sundays are well let's say a rest day, I may or may not prepare meals, depending on when we get back from church, or if I had prepared a meal the previous day, so it basically chores from Monday till Saturday but Sundays I take it as a rest day , not only for me but for everyone in my family, except we go visiting friends or family members.

So that's it for my weekend,
How do you spend yours?


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