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Moms experience a range of emotions, which may be triggered by events that take place in the home. So my daughter has been having some kind of rash like boils all over her face and the upper part of her body. When it started it started like a rash. I had thought it was a normal heat rash as she is a person who doesn't like heat, whenever she sweets a little the rashes just cover her, despite having been to the clinic and it was said to be a normal rash.
But this rash was different, it didn't go as easily as the other times, I thought the rashes were stubborn, so I had always rubbed some powder on her body, this powder was a special powder made for heat rashes, on a normal note, applying the powder was supposed to reduce the rash, yes it did reduce but the rashes started coming out on another spot of her body, I went to the pharmacist and got some antibiotic and it was as if taking the antibiotic made the rashes come out more, I decided to go to the hospital, but then when I looked at the cost of visiting the hospital, I thought to try out home remedies,(natural remedies), and after trying it out for three days now it three days, the rashes has some changes, it started clearing off.

I'm sharing this because, even though I didn't have the money to take her to the hospital, I decided to use a natural home remedy prepared by my mother. I didn't panic because of this, and most of the time when I go out with her, people blame me for causing the rash to appear on her. I try to explain to them that it isn't my fault.

I took noticed that this rash started when she started school when she was at home she didn't have such, but after she started school, at first she fell sick and wasn't able to attend school for about a week after she was done with the medication she was given at the clinic, that was when the rash started, I felt it was because their class was always hot and so which also made her hot, so whenever from then she went to school, I always put an extra sleeveless shirt and short for her, I had even called the headmistress and told her to take notice of the kids, especially my for daughter as she didn't like hot weather, and then in our area, there hasn't been enough power supply lately. All this fell on deaf ears, dispute the school fee payment we had made.

While I attempt to explain to people that it is not my fault, I always feel sad as if I am not taking good care of the kids, but my husband constantly assures me that I am doing my best and not to take anyone's words seriously because they are not assisting us in any way. As a result, they had no right to question my parenting.

Well, I am happy right now because her body is gradually healing, those that were on her head are now gone (I had to cut her hair so she could have enough air coming into her body) though it pains me to cut her hair but her health is more important we can always grow another hair even if it will take a while.

Moms have a lot of hardships and also a lot of joy simply because of their children, but we have been given the grace to face and endure whatever may arise as it relates to this stage of our lives ( motherhood).

Thanks so much, mothers for allowing me to share this motherhood experience.

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