First Time Parents : Dealing with Low Milk Supply

Before having our child, we are under the impression that we will not be having any trouble with breastfeeding. I was breastfed and in the case of my wife, she was fed via formula milk. She explained to me that the reason why she was bottle-fed was that in the same year her sister was born.

There's a superstition in their place that if another child is being born. The first one should not be breastfed as they will try to compete for the milk. Nonetheless, we had an assumption that breastfeeding will be easy as the supply of milk from both our moms are not lacking.


Reality hit us on the first day till now. Her milk supply isn't enough for the needs of our growing daughter, there are times where our child will cry as she's still hungry. To supplement it we decided to feed her as well with milk formulation.

Introducing formula milk was our last choice and when we did that we received some negative remarks especially from my wife about our decision. It was hard, not only emotionally but also financially as we need to set aside a portion of our money for the milk.

Negative emotions come in as guilt, anger, jealously and other stuff arises. We sometimes wonder, how can people say that to provide milk you need to be positive where we are experiencing such struggles.

We know that we are not the only ones who experience this scenario and if your family is also in the same situation that we are in right now we are sending a virtual tap on your back.

Here are some encouraging words that we can share with you.

Yes, we get and understand that one of the main things that you can give to your child is milk but there's more than that. Showing them affection, hugs, kisses, and talking to them matters too! You can also play with them while you are feeding through a bottle. Look them in the eye and show that you love them.


If you are trying to breastfeed your child, but still are not satisfied that is okay. Rest for a while and let your body create those milk. There are days where there's an overflow but there are days that there isn't. Every achievement counts! You are successful already.


There's no one to blame if you have a low milk supply. These are factors that cannot be controlled. In our case, we tried a lot of supplements and even multiple breast pumps to increase the supply but there are days where it isn't helpful. A spouse should encourage their partners that they are doing well, give words of affirmation! They need that as some people will be saying hurtful words to your partner to be their source of security and strength.


I just found this on a blog post that I read which speaks volumes. Your love cannot be measured it is an overflowing love, unconditional love for your child. No one can understand it better than you and your kid. You may be lacking for now but for sure your child appreciates the stuff that you are doing. I know that because each time that we are looking in the eyes of our daughter we feel that is the way. ( Maybe I am assuming but who cares 😂)

That's all that I can share for now. I hope that I find this post encouraging. If you want to discuss it, you can leave a comment below and we would love to answer that.

The images that I used are copyrights free and edited in Canva

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