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A Lonely Sock Recycle Project At School & Some Other School Talk

Recycle project with an old sock (9).jpg

School talk

It's been a while since I shared something about my daughter's school experiences while some fun things happened, as well as some change is coming soon. First, the final trimester is coming to an end soon because there are just 5 weeks left until summer holidays start, lasting 12 weeks here in Spain. Yes, it's long! We Dutch kids had "only" 6 weeks summer holidays. I think most Dutch parents would have gone nuts having their kids home for 12 weeks as well because often the weather isn't as lovely as it is here (overall) in Spain.

Less tutoring

Our daughter has been doing great lately even though she missed quite some tutoring last month when her tutor was ill sadly and a few weeks later we had our Madrid trip for the passport renewal. Yet she managed to work herself through the exams without too much struggles and we decided to also relax things a bit because it's not a big deal if she has some 7's instead of 9's because we can't keep up that tutoring with that many days forever either.

The kick start she needed was with the language and now she seems to pick up things really well even in class. We're very proud, as you can imagine! We are very fond of her tutor who's always so flexible and looking forward to have her as the babysitter in the summer months so they can do fun things instead of studying because they really have a good connection, which is great.

Recycle project with an old sock (9).jpg

Recycle project

Last month the teacher told the kids to bring an old sock, one of these lonely socks that is left without the other half for example so it would not go to waste. Some rice was requested as well as decoration for the project where she'd make a puppet from the sock. I didn't know the exact project intention until afterwards otherwise I'd probably looked for a colourful one but in the end I think they had a cool lesson of recycling things at school. My daughter already knows this for a few years but it's good to see they pass on this message at school as well.

Recycle project with an old sock (10).jpg

Recycle project with an old sock (11).jpg

So flexible

I don't know if it's the overall mentality here at primary school or just this school or teacher who's been super flexible every time I ask for some delay in an exam. Sometimes when the tutor was ill, or our daughter, or an exam announced a few days in advance while not seeing the tutor anymore that week. Every time when I sent a message to the teacher, she'd be super flexible and never made a problem about anything. What a difference compared to the struggles last year with the teacher and most of the kids in the class. I'm grateful for her way of handling things this year.

Change is coming

As you know we moved out of necessity because of the no water issue and this happened in November during the school year. I requested to change to the school around the corner but it was rejected at the time and mentioned to re-apply in March for next school year. I did, and she is enrolled in this school now.

This is a huge relief for me because it means we can start walking to school again, instead of having to drive and deal with traffic which has been a pain the past months due to construction in our area. It will get worse and without the car (if it were to break) I can't even get her at school because of the steep hill. I'm relieved that she got accepted and I also saw that there are 2 other new kids in that year so she will not be the only new girl.

Preparing for a long holiday

While I planned on many things for last summer holiday, some things didn't work out, others I still have saved for this summer such as diamond paintings.. I plan on being very creative with my girl and now that we have a pool in our community building, we shall swim every day!

I'm going to make sure she will look back on a great holiday even though summer school (which she loved so much last year) will not be possible due to our accountant making a HUGE error in the tax declaration for last year. Such is life though, thankfully, this time we will not be stuck inside without a pool so we shall enjoy it together for as much as possible.

Heading to bed now, hopefully you had such a lovely weekend as we had, and a good week ahead!

All pictures above are my own...