Locas recomendaciones de salud | Semana 40 - Día 3 (ESP/ENG)

Hola amigo de Hive, un caluroso saludo desde Maracaibo a todos los padres que hacen vida en esta comunidad, continuado la semana 40 del #Motherhood día 3, hoy me corresponde hablarles un poco sobre las locas recomendaciones de salud que nos hacen.

Hello Hive friend, a warm greeting from Maracaibo to all the parents who make life in this community, continued week 40 of #Motherhood day 3, today it is my turn to talk to you a little bit about the crazy health recommendations that make us.

Comenzare dando gracias por tener familiares doctores y en especial mi tía que es pediatra, cuando somos mamás primerizas escuchamos a muchas personas a nuestro alrededor dándonos consejos y nosotras por ser primera vez aveces caemos en las locuras, al tener a mi bebé tuve que vivir durante el post parto en casa de mi abuela ya que vivo en departamento y tenía que subir escaleras, entonces el primer día al llegar de la clínica, cuando la bebé lloro por comida y yo me la pegue al pecho pero no me salía nada, mi abuela fue y me preparo un vaso de panela, porque según ella recuerda antes hacían que les bajara la leche a las mujeres con panela y bueno yo me tomé el vaso en desesperación y se me ocurre llamar a tía por video llamada para decirle que no he podido darle pecho y que bueno yo quería darle pecho desde el nacimiento pero si no me sale tendré que darle leche de pote, mi tía de inmediato me asiste y le dice a mi esposo que busque una jeringa le corté la primera capa y me succione el pezón, que experiencia mi esposo tratando de succionar mi pezón y la bebé llorando pero efectiva al ponerme a la bebé en el pecho y con la marca del pezón pues pudo tomar un poco mi tía explico que no bajaba la leche porque iban pocas ahora y ella no demandaría tanta leche en el momento (Fue prueba superada y descarte la panela que no me gustaba).

I will start by giving thanks for having family doctors and especially my aunt who is a pediatrician, when we are new moms we hear many people around us giving us advice and we for being first time sometimes we fall into follies, when I had my baby I had to live during the postpartum period at my grandmother's house since I live in an apartment and had to climb stairs, then the first day after arriving from the clinic, when the baby cried for food and I stuck her to my breast but nothing came out, my grandmother went and prepared me a glass of panela, because as she remembers before they used to make women let down their milk with panela, and well I drank a glass of panela in desperation and it occurred to me to call my aunt by video call to tell her that I have not been able to breastfeed her and that I have not been able to give her milk, According to her, they used to make women let down their milk with panela and well, I drank the glass in desperation and it occurred to me to call my aunt by video call to tell her that I have not been able to breastfeed her and that I wanted to breastfeed her since birth but if I don't get milk from the pot, my aunt immediately assisted me and told my husband to get a syringe and cut the first layer and suck my nipple, What an experience my husband trying to suck my nipple and the baby crying but effective to put the baby on my chest and with the nipple mark because she could take a little my aunt explained that the milk did not go down because there were few now and she would not demand so much milk at the time (It was passed test and discarded the panela that I did not like).

Mi mamá luego llegaba todos los días con atoles, fororos, jugos, leche, avenas y mi tía la especialista me dijo si sigues tomando todo eso te vas a poner gordísima, tu debes comer tu comida normal a excepción de la pasta, justificando que todo eso era mucha azúcar y yo necesitaba más vegetales, carne, pollo. Mi mamá se molestó porque ella decía que ella siempre todo, pero la verdad yo eliminé todo lácteo porque empecé a notar que a Alissandra le daba diarrea. Yo tampoco quería ponerme gorda así que sentí que al hacerle caso de nuevo a mi tía por ser especialista estuvo bien.

My mom came every day with atoles, fororos, juices, milk, oatmeal and my aunt, the specialist, told me that if you keep taking all that you are going to get very fat, you should eat your normal food except for pasta, justifying that all that was a lot of sugar and I needed more vegetables, meat, chicken. My mom got upset because she said that she always ate everything, but the truth is that I eliminated all dairy products because I started to notice that Alissandra was getting diarrhea. I didn't want to get fat either, so I felt that by listening to my aunt again because she was a specialist, it was okay.

En otra oportunidad yo soy amante de la pasta y pues mi abuela la preparo y me dijo hice pasta con queso tal cual te gusta y yo le dije abuela tía me recomendó que no comiera tanta pasta ella me dijo eso no te va a pasar nada, pues me comí dos platos de pasta y adivinen le dio diarrea 3 días a la bebé, mi tía dice que la pasta es azúcar harina y Huevo y eso le cae mal a la bebé porque produzco mucha azúcar más la pasta de tomate y bueno por no hacer caso estuve 2 días sin dormir mucho.

Another time I am a pasta lover and my grandmother prepared it and told me I made pasta with cheese just as you like it and I told her grandma aunt recommended me not to eat so much pasta, she told me that nothing will happen to you, I ate two plates of pasta and guess what, it gave the baby diarrhea for 3 days, my aunt says that pasta is sugar, flour and eggs and that is bad for the baby because I produce a lot of sugar plus tomato paste and well, for not paying attention I did not sleep much for 2 days.

Cosas locas al extremo, un día Aliss tenía mucho hipo y mi abuela me dijo colócale un hilo rojo en la frente que se le quitara al rato y yo de tonta busque el hilo y se lo coloque (nunca se le quitó el hipo), cómo a los tres meses mi bebé estaba andariega, no quería dormir y me preocupaba porque era que cortaban la energía eléctrica y luego con tanto calor ella se despertaba y no dormía más y entonces no descansaba ella y yo tampoco, mi abuela me dijo que la manzanilla era buenísima y yo dije yo no le daré eso porque incluso aún no le había dado agua porque soy lactancia exclusiva materna, pero mi amiga de muy loca lo hizo y el bebé luego no despertaba y eso me hizo reflexión sobre la salud de los niños, ellos tienen un estómago muy sano y nuevo, porque inventar con otras cosas, para luego dañarlos no me parece, por eso prefiero hacerle caso al pediatra.

Crazy things to the extreme, one day Aliss had a lot of hiccups and my grandmother told me to put a red thread on her forehead that would go away after a while and I foolishly looked for the thread and put it on her (she never got rid of the hiccups), how at three months my baby was restless, she did not want to sleep and I was worried because they cut the electricity and then with so much heat she woke up and did not sleep anymore and then she did not rest and neither did I. My grandmother told me that chamomile was very good and I said I will not give her that because I had not even given her water yet because I am exclusively breastfeeding, My grandmother told me that chamomile was very good and I said I will not give her that because I had not even given her water yet because I am exclusively breastfeeding, but my crazy friend did it and then the baby did not wake up and that made me think about the health of children, they have a very healthy and new stomach, because inventing with other things and then harming them does not seem to me, that is why I prefer to listen to the pediatrician.

Con todo lo de la pandemia fui a colocarle la vacuna que le correspondía a mi hija y una señora me estaba diciendo que cortará un cuarto de pastilla "para darle a mi bebé", supuestamente para cuidarla del Covid, que también le podía dar unas gotas y aunque yo después leí sobre eso, pues no me atrevería a darle un medicamento sin recomendación del pediatra, por nada del mundo porque uno no sabe cómo reaccionan los niños, además somos los protectores de su vida, con la salud de los niños no se juega.

With everything about the pandemic, I went to give my daughter the vaccine she was due and a lady was telling me to cut a quarter of a pill "to give to my baby", supposedly to take care of her from Covid, that she could also give her some drops and although I later read about it, I would not dare to give her a medicine without a pediatrician's recommendation, for anything in the world because one does not know how children react, besides we are the protectors of their lives, with the health of children we do not play with their health.

Recursos Utilizados | Resources Used

  • La imagen del banner fue editada con la aplicación Photoshop CS6| The image of the banner was edited with the Photoshop CS6 application

  • Las imágenes del divisor y semanario de preguntas, fueron tomadas de la comunidad Motherhood | The images of the divider and weekly questionnaire were taken from the Motherhood

  • Traducido con www.DeepL.com | Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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