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Arrival of my greatest gift from God

It is the joy of every woman to welcome their own child/children after a longwait of 9 months. For me, it wasn't an exception. The joy I felt when I knew there is a little being growing inside of me was out of this world. The journey wasn't smooth for me but I was able to stay strong because I can't wait to hold my baby. I was even planning to be induced on the 20th of January when the last scan stated I was postdated but luckily for me, My contractions began on the 16th of January around 4:15pm and I went into labor around 5:20pm. After undergoing so much pain ranging from the contraction, stitches and all that accompany childbirth,my greatest gift from God arrived this world at exactly 7:12pm weighing 3.4kg. I held her after she's been cleaned up and I said to myself welcome to motherhood. Mothers are the best. Shout out to all mothers who have had this experience.