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Tiempo de calidad con mi muñeca [Esp/Eng]


El lunes es sin dudas uno de mis días favoritos de la semana porque aunque es un día bastante ajetreado para mí, es un día especial para pasar tiempo de calidad con mi muñeca @elmundodemiri, quien tiene clases de violín en la orquesta, y mi tarea ese día es acompañarla y esperar por ella hasta que salga de sus clases.

Ese día la pasamos recogiendo a la salida de la escuela, y mi esposo nos deja en la plaza de la Asunción, donde come el almuerzo que le llevo desde casa, para luego pasar a la mejor parte para ambas, que es tomar una pequeña merienda juntas en el C.C. Artesanal donde está ubicado La Guachafita.

Generalmente, compramos helados y los comemos sentadas en la placita, mientras conversamos un montón, pero este día en particular decidimos entrar al centro comercial para variar un poquito la cosa y para disfrutar de este lugar precioso que a Miranda le encanta por el colorido que tiene.

Ese día Miranda como siempre quiso un helado, y la verdad, yo pensaba pedir lo mismo, pero cambié de opinión porque mientras hacía el pedido vi unos tostones de plátano verde que me gritaron fuerte y claro "pruébame", y por supuesto tenía que probarlos, así que nos sentamos a disfrutar de una rica merienda.

Ese momento es ideal para hablar de la escuela, cómo han estado sus días, y cualquier cosa que ella quiera contarme, que generalmente es de los video juegos que tiene ahora y de las cosas que ha hecho en cada uno de ellos, entonces es un tiempo que me permite dedicarme completamente a ella y escucharla con atención, porque muchas veces estoy haciendo cosas mientras ella me habla y no es lo mismo.

La verdad es un tiempo muy especial y que valoro muchísimo porque nos permite estrechar nuestros lazos y fortalecer nuestra relación madre/hija.


Monday is undoubtedly one of my favorite days of the week because although it is a pretty busy day for me, it is a special day to spend quality time with my doll @elmundodemiri, who has violin lessons in the orchestra, and my task that day is to accompany her and wait for her until she gets out of her classes.

That day we spend picking her up after school, and my husband drops us off at the Asunción square, where she eats the lunch I bring her from home, and then we move on to the best part for both of us, which is having a little snack together at the C.C. Artesanal where La Guachafita is located.

Usually, we buy ice cream and eat it sitting in the little square, while we talk a lot, but this particular day we decided to go into the mall for a little change and to enjoy this beautiful place that Miranda loves because of its colorfulness.

That day Miranda as always wanted an ice cream, and the truth, I was thinking of ordering the same, but I changed my mind because while I was ordering I saw some green plantain tostones that shouted loud and clear "try me", and of course I had to try them, so we sat down to enjoy a tasty snack.

That time is ideal to talk about school, how her days have been, and anything she wants to tell me, which is usually about the video games she has now and the things she has done in each one of them, so it is a time that allows me to dedicate myself completely to her.

That time is ideal to talk about school, how her days have been, and anything she wants to tell me, which is usually about the video games she has now and the things she has done in each one of them, so it is a time that allows me to dedicate myself completely to her and listen to her carefully, because many times I am doing things while she is talking to me and it is not the same.

The truth is that it is a very special time that I value very much because it allows us to strengthen our bonds and strengthen our mother/daughter relationship.

Photography by|Fotografía por:@rlathulerie, Cover created in/Portada creada en Canva, Separator and banner/separador y banner, Translated with (free version)