A Letter to Sweet Nathan....

In Nigeria, we celebrated Children's Day on the 27th of May and today being Sunday, Venezuela will be celebrating its Children's Day too. Children are the sweetest people on earth and I bless God for granting all mothers the fruit of the womb. I am not a mother yet and I would love to have one someday. The motherhood community has told us to write a letter to our kids as a way to appreciate their existence and cherish our love for them.

Since I don't have a kid, nor is there any little kid in my family yet, I thought to write a letter to my childhood friend's son who clocked a year old in March. Sorry, I wouldn't be providing his picture for a reason and that is because his mother doesn't have a phone and we only talk via voice. So, there is no way she could send me any picture of him.



Image source by Bess Hamiti designed on Canva

Here goes the letter...


Dear Nathan,

How are you, my godson? I hope you are doing great and growing well in God's image. I can sense that you are already becoming a sweet young boy even though you keep disturbing your mom, and this is because she used to report you to me every time we spoke on the phone. I could remember when you were born last year, your mom couldn't hold back her tears of joy seeing such a wonderful bundle to the family. She told me how you disturbed her while in her womb. The only time I could feel you was when I visited your mom as you were still yet unborn and mom would complain of how you kept kicking her and not making her sleep at night.


When you were born, she called me while on the hospital bed and told me, "Buzhay, your godson has arrived". I felt an adrenaline rush in me knowing I now have a little child I could call my godson. I wished for a magic power to transport me there so I could touch and feel you but it wasn't possible. Your mom and I have been friends for many years and during those times being together, she would always envisage a beautiful moment holding her children which you are the first to open her womb. Being a son, it's a blessing to her and your dad. I am very sure you will always be a special child to your parent.


I keep postponing my visit to see you but I believe life and God will make it possible to meet you someday while holding and embracing you in my arms, knowing I have come to see my lovely godson. Nathan, I told your mom to keep you strong because you will be a great child. I made sure to let her know she should always provide for your needs so you don't lack anything. Also, I would like to say this to you: always be the best in everything you do. Don't disobey your parent whatsoever. When you do what they want, they will be happy to do what you want too.


Nathan, though you haven't seen me yet but I only saw you once on your dad's phone, I saw how cute you are. Your mom called me on your birthday and assured me of taking a lot of pictures of you which she would send to me when she gets a new phone. I can't wait to see how you are doing now. Remember, I will always love you as my godson. Always be your best and behave like a good child you are.

From your godmother: Princessbusayo


This is a letter written to my godson who is my friend's child whom I am hoping to meet someday and hold in my arms. I wish all mothers and fathers in Venezuela a happy children's day today. May your children continue to stay healthy and strong.

Thanks for your time on my blog.


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