Effects of showing partial love among children

Hello everyone,
I feel so glad to be here and happy new month ❤️
Parenting is a great and beautiful assignment, that God has given to everyone, and he expects us to carry it out faithfully and diligently, no matter the cost and the pressure that comes with it. The assignment we are given will be scored accordingly.

Most times we see our kids grow up with hatred and bitterness, does not support or stand up for each other, others feels excited when the see other in pains rather than having the feeling of love and support among themselves, meanwhile that was not part of the discipline we instill to them, rather we raised them to be great and better persons and leaders in the future, then where do they get that from?
Seeing this among kids at the initial stage should be handled and corrected.
When we see a child going towards a direction that was not introduced to them by us their parents, we should sit still, do a cross-check, both in ourselves parents and in them the kids, try to do check and balance in our the way we treat and handle them, also stay and ponder on things that concern them. Children are very sensitive, and they tend to react based on what they see and hear, which will bring out either positive or negative reaction from them.

We are not perfect, but we strive to perfection daily, although raising children can be so demanding
and tasky, most times we might think or feel we are getting all things right, but mostly they tend to interpret it in a negative way, especially when we have more than one kid, and one is given more attention than the other, we might feel that we are giving both equal attention, but the other is not seeing it that way, and when that child grows up with that mindset that mummy and daddy loves my sister or brother more than me, it opens them up to danger, such as hatred, anger and bitterness both to the parents and to the siblings.
I know each child is born with its own peculiarity, and uniqueness, one might be so understanding and caring than the other, and the other might seem to be stubborn. I know in cases like this, there is every tendency that the parents will give more attention to one than the stubborn child, and they child is seeing it, such child grows up hating the brother or sister and better still hates the parents to because he or she believes that the parents do not love them, which is not so, so we as parents ought to show equal love to all our children no mater the cost.

A similar issue occurred in my neighborhood, a parent who had two kids, and loved them equally, and tend to discipline both of them equally when they derailed, although one was more brilliant than the other, so they tend to praise and celebrate her for her good grades but she gets nothing because her performance was poor, so she now define it that the parent loves the sister more than her, so she became rude and bitter towards the sister. And she grew up with that mindset, and finally she ended up always drugging the sister and killing the sister's child though unintentionally, she later confessed that the sister was the favorite child who gets all the love and attention, while she was a nobody to the parents, and that the parents never loved her, which was not true, but she chose to interpret it that way because the sister received praises for her excellent performance.

So as parents in whatever we are doing relating to our kids, we have to be careful, knowing that their belief and understanding is different from our own, we ought to be conscious in all to prevent sending the wrong signal to them as well as prevent them from interpreting it the wrong way, and with that it tends to affect them in every ramifications of their lives.

Thank you for reading through,
Still remain @pricelessudy

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