Celebrating my cuties birthday with lots of love๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

I have 3 beautiful amazing daughters
The first two were born on 24&25 February I usually celebrate their birthdays at once.
My first daughter was born on 24th while my second was born on 25th, coming as a perfect birthday present for her elder sister as she turned one.
I call them my explainable twins they are so amazing and unique my first daughter and the second one are so unique and different in their own little ways
Have watch them grow from a cute little baby to where the are now, my two daughters are so different from each other but i learnt to embrace each of them in their own different ways, my first daughter is an introvert she is not eager to try everything, she has her own choices and she is hardly influenced by other kids opinions, and what they want, while my second daughter is an extrovert, she is always eager to try new experiences, she makes friends with ease and is an absolute sweetheart with a caring and outstanding social attitude.

When I had my first daughter, it was a beautiful moment as I held the cute soul which led me to the beautiful, exhilarating and heartwarming journey to motherhood. As my baby grew, I thought that like the normal things babies do, she will turn over, sit, crawl and walk and talk like other babies do but then to my surprise and fear she didn't. It got me worried as a mother, I got advice from a lot of people, solicited and unsolicited, recommendations and all manner of things I should do, none of it worked and with some measure of peace and hope in my heart, I let my daughter be. My daughter walked without having to crawl and with that same hope I decided to trust the process of growth for her.
My daughter talked few weeks after she started pre - school. When my daughter started Pre-school, she didn't even shed a tear, other kids had cried for their parents but my daughter walked in with a manner of confidence unequal to the one normal kids possess, to me this was unique. My heart went out as I watched my baby start Pre-school, I prayed in my heart that all will go well with her. My baby talked before she turned three finally and ever since then I could almost call her a chatterbox but for the fact that she's quite calculative before she speaks.
I call my first daughter my Angel because she's obviously sent from heaven, my first gift of a child, my mini-me, with a warm, Conservative and loving personality . Watching her grow this beautiful is such a joy for me.

I had my second baby girl a precise year later and it was nothing short of what I wished for, I grew up with amazing sisters and I wanted my baby girl experience just that. A beautiful sisterhood journey started as my girls bonded in such an emotional way, sometimes I watch them play and I'm overwhelmed with joy and love.

My second girl didn't take so long like her sister, she crawled, turned over and talked quite quickly.she was so opposite of her sister. I call her my sunshine because she's literally one, lightskinned with an absolutely bright demeanor.
My daughters might look the same but they have different personalities and I love them that way.If the first is inlove with red colour the second one must definitely choose a different color and she says she likes green colour unlike other girls who loves pink colours
I'll never compare them to each other or try to change them, I let them be and I can say that the relationship I have with my daughters is a beautiful and exciting one.
In essence I'd love mothers or would be mothers to do what works for your baby and you, don't try to force things, if it's of major concern, a visit to a paediatrician and some prayers would do.
Children are a gift from God and God trusts us to take care of them and groom them to be what he wants them to be.
My kids have taught me how to love, how to be patient, how to tolerate and handle situations calmly,they are my best gifts and I can't be less grateful for the wonderful gift of motherhood.
The story about my third baby girl is one for another day, I'll most definitely tell it.
For now let me enjoy my girls and love them.
My first daughter will be five today and I want to celebrate her because I want her to know how much I love her and cherish her, my first baby thought that only babies celebrate birthdays and I want to debunk such idea and make her feel like loved and celebrated. My second daughter will be four tomorrow but like I said earlier they are my explainable twins and I'll be celebrating them together, although I'll celebrate my second daughter specially as well.
Motherhood is such a joy and I can't exhaust all my joy in this post.
Cheers to my girls. ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰.

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