[Esp-Eng] La sonrisa de la cumpleañera / The birthday girl's smile


Feliz cumpleaños Priscila

Hola amigos creadores de contenido, comunidad en general, que bueno es compartirles como me fue el dia de ayer.

Saben mi segunda hija Priscila estuvo de cumpleaños ayer, fue un corre corre; queria hacerle una celebracion grande con amiguitos y todo, pero las circunstancias estaban un poco dificiles.

Dime tu que mama no quiere hacer la mejor fiesta de cumpleaños a su bebe, creo que todas porque son nuestros bellos hijos, que queremos ver siempre una sonrisa en su carita.

Pues a pesar de todas las dificultades le pude sacar una sonrisa a mi niña ayer, no había podido comprar los dulces, los globos, hacer las salsas ni mucho menos la piñata.

Pense que no habría nada, porque entre los gastos de otras cosas no llegaba a la planificacion de la celebracion, me pare con pocos animos ese dia; esperando que la cumpleañera de despertara.

Me senté en la cama pensando como hacer que su dia fuera especial a pesar de los tropiezos y poder compensarle su dia especial, dije voy a prepararle el desayuno que mas le gusta.

Cuando ella se paro le dije que no habria pastel, que seria en otro momento que lo celebraremos, su sonrisa me dijo tranquila mami yo entiendo.

Sorpresivamente me llama mi mama y me dice hija que vamos hacer hoy, yo le explico la situacion con tristeza, me dice bueno vamos a comprar 2 combos de perros caliente, uno lo paga tu hermana y el otro lo pagas tu, nos vamos para la casa de tu hermano la pasamos un rato chevere alla, por supuesto le dije que si.

Les comento, estos combo de perros calientes tienen un valor de 7$, son muy buenos viene 20 unidades de panes, 20 unidades de salchichas, 1 bolsita de papas y 1 refrescos de litro; puedo ver que para ocasiones especiales son una salvacion.

Luego recibo una pequeña transferencia que me sirvieron para comprar los ingredientes de la torta, pues puse manos a la obra, mi cuerpo esta batallando con una gripe por lo que estaba decaída.

Le dije a la esposa de mi cuñado y me pudo hacer el rico bizcocho de chocolate que mi niña queria, luego pense; como la decoro me corde de un amiga que vive por aqui cerca no escatime en llamarla, ella con mucho amor dijo si voy saliendo para tu casa.

Al momento de la decoracion de la torta fue de muchas risas y quedo linda con los colores que mi hija le gustan.

Ya la torta lista, ahora si todos apurados para salir a la casa de mi hermano, me vinieron a buscar y cuando llegamos alla, habia una linda decoracion con globos mi niña le brillaron los ojos.

De verdad la vida sorprende a uno, fue una celebracion pequeña entre familiares la pasamos excelente, se pudo cantar cumpleaños feliz, sin ninguna problema.

Muchas veces queremos hacer una gran celebracion para nuestros hijo pero no es como queremos, sino como Dios disponga ese dia.

Queremos esforzarnos, planear muchas cosas pero igual con pequeñas cosas podemos hacer feliz y poder sacarle una hermosa sonrisa a mi Solecito Priscila.

Todas las fotos son de mi autoria.


Happy Birthday Priscila

Hello friends content creators, community in general, it's great to share with you how I did yesterday.

You know my second daughter Priscila had her birthday yesterday, it was a real rush; I wanted to give her a big celebration with friends and everything, but the circumstances were a little difficult.

Tell me which mother doesn't want to make the best birthday party for her baby, I think all of us because they are our beautiful children, we always want to see a smile on their little face.

Well, despite all the difficulties I was able to get a smile on my little girl's face yesterday, I had not been able to buy the candy, the balloons, make the sauces, let alone the piñata.

I thought there would be nothing, because between the expenses of other things I could not get to the planning of the celebration, I stood with little encouragement that day; waiting for the birthday girl to wake up.

I sat on the bed thinking how to make her day special in spite of the stumbles and make up for her special day, I said I will prepare her the breakfast she likes the most.

When she stood up I told her that there would be no cake, that it would be another time to celebrate, her smile told me calmly mommy I understand.

Surprisingly my mom calls me and tells me daughter what are we going to do today, I explain the situation with sadness, she tells me well we are going to buy 2 combos of hot dogs, one is paid by your sister and the other one is paid by you, we are going to your brother's house and we will have a great time there, of course I said yes.

I tell you, these combo hot dogs are worth 7$, they are very good, it comes with 20 units of bread, 20 units of sausages, 1 bag of potatoes and 1 liter soda; I can see that for special occasions they are a salvation.

Then I receive a small transfer that I used to buy the ingredients for the cake, so I put my hands to work, my body is struggling with the flu so I was down.

I told my brother-in-law's wife and she was able to make me the rich chocolate cake that my little girl wanted, then I thought; as the decoration I got from a friend who lives nearby, I did not skimp on calling her, she said with much love if I'm going out to your house.

When the time came to decorate the cake it was a lot of laughter and it was beautiful with the colors that my daughter likes.

The cake was ready, now we were all in a hurry to go to my brother's house, they came to pick me up and when we got there, there was a beautiful decoration with balloons, my little girl's eyes shined.

Life really surprises you, it was a small celebration among family members, we had a great time, we were able to sing happy birthday, without any problem.

Many times we want to make a big celebration for our children but it is not as we want, but as God wills that day.

We want to make an effort, plan many things but even with small things we can make happy and be able to get a beautiful smile to my Solecito Priscila.

All photos are my authorship.

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