Pause And Take Care Of Yourself, Mothers!

This wasn't the topic I wanted to write about today. I had planned on making my entry this morning on weekend engagement prompt ideas, but something happened yesterday evening in my estate and I decided to pour my heart here with my fellow mummies and Daddies of this noble community, maybe someone can learn from it.

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It was a black Friday yesterday in my estate. I feel so much sad seeing my fellow woman lose her life when she would have laid so many things aside and attended to her health. I understand that some irresponsible men in marriage are bent on making the life of their wives miserable. Why bring lives (children) to this world when you are not ready psychologically to take care of them? I made this statement because if you are ready psychologically, even in poverty, you will do any kind of legal hard labor to be able to feed your children and not run away when you think that the hardship is becoming unbearable, leaving the whole burden on the wife alone. This was the case of the husband to this woman that died yesterday in my estate.


She married the man 15 years ago. Things were not rosy at all and they kept managing until the man finally left the woman and the children to an unknown place. This woman is a very friendly type, always smiling, always working hard, and hawking her cooked food all over the place. Her greetings alone would make you patronize her even when you didn't want to. She was always on the road hustling to take care of her 3 children and send them to school as well.

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Her children are all boys and she managed to enroll them in school and still put them to learning skills (in the mechanic workshop around ) after school daily. I so much admire her efforts even without the runaway husband. If you see her, you will easily see a woman under so much stress. She does all manner of local jobs for people aside from her cooking business. All these were to make ends meet, even with the high cost of living today, she still manages to feed the kids and pay bills. 3months ago, she had an accident where a big trailer vehicle hit her head without stopping. She was lucky to survive the accident but with no medical attention. People advised her though without support to seek medical assistance (scan or x-ray to be sure there is no internal injury) since the accident is about the head but she insisted that she was fine. A few days after the accident, she continued her daily road hustling. It's been day-to-day stress for her until she suddenly slumped yesterday. The children shouted for help and she was rushed to the hospital. Upon diagnosis, the doctor revealed that she had internal bleeding. Hmm, before anything could be done, this cheerful woman died🥲!

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It was such sad news to most of us and we were rushed to the hospital. Behold, the husband there. Someone who had run away from their wife and children suddenly appeared just a few hours after her death. Many people felt like flogging the man for leaving the whole responsibility to the woman. Upon that, he immediately demanded that he takes away the kids instantly but people denied him of that at least if it will happen not immediately.

There is no point blaming the dead over what she didn't get right but I wished she did an x-ray of the head after the head accident maybe this internal bleeding would have been detected. Life first before any other thing. Now that she is dead, all her hustling has been for the good of her children but here we are. I say again to anyone reading this post, pause and take care of yourself!!!. When it comes to health, life has no spare. No matter the hardship and responsibilities, ensure to make good health your priority, I know that many mums are so emotional, doing all kinds of sacrifices for their children while neglecting our health but know that as far as there is life, there will always be hope.

I come in peace 🕊️
Thanks for reading!!!


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