Back to School Craziness || #MOMLIFE

Greetings, my amiable moms and dads of the hive community. I trust we are doing great with our little ones. The summer break was amazing between my kids and me. So far, it was one of my best experiences with the kids. I was telling my sister the other day that I enjoyed this summer with my boys with lots of adventures, and hopefully the next summer will be more than great too.


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Then September came so early that we still wanted to keep up with our summer activities, but no, we have school to catch up with. I have three boys you may have known by now, but my last baby of two years and older is still homeschooling. Hubby and I planned on enrolling him in this session, but it happened that there was a heavy increase in school fees this time. The increase was 50% extra, so uncomfortable, including transportation fare, and this really affected our budgets. Then I took the decision to homeschool my last baby until maybe next January, when he will join his siblings.


My last baby and I

I received a memo from my kids school about their school resumption on September 4, 2023. As usual, they sent bills for the term that nearly sent me to Feint. Inside the memo, they requested a change in one of their school uniforms; it's a Tuesday wear. They have different outfits for each day, from Monday to Friday. And so they included the cost of the new uniform in the bill, as they have school tailors to sew them. They also mandated that parents buy textbooks and workbooks from the school, whereas we buy exercise books and other writing materials outside the school.

Now, my fellow parents, this is the 4th week since resumption, and to my greatest surprise, I paid for textbooks for my sons, and till date, my second son has yet to receive any of the textbooks, including workbooks, from the school. Meanwhile, homework is done on a daily basis. Each day, he comes back with his communication book,📖 and I will see series of assignment to do in an invisible textbook. . Apparently, some of his classmates got theirs, but before it reached his turn, they ran out of books . So my second son has been lagging behind on doing his homework and class work because has is yet to receive the books I paid for. I have gone to the school several times with empty promises, it sucks 😞😔.

I have yet to receive the new uniform I paid for. Sincerely, the school has been giving me stress. It was not funny for my husband and me to pull out the huge bills to pay, and now it's disappointment, really uncalled for.

So far, it's only my first son who has his textbooks and workbook and has access to do his homework daily.


For the rest of the materials, they requested that we get them outside the school. I went with my boys, shopping for the needed materials. It was a nice experience with them.


We also stopped by a store to get back to snacks and drinks in larger quantities; believe me, they enjoyed the shopping. Forgive my bad camera on this... I was exhausted at this point.


The waking up so early since school started has been another craziness on its own. Oh, how I missed my early morning sweet sleep and sweet dreams. What about the cuddling from hubby? Hahaha 😂, I missed them all now. Anything for my dear boys—.they are my treasure!

The main stress I had was paying the bills. So how I plan on dealing with it, which I have started, is by throwing some HBD into savings. I started this idea in the first week of September this month. With this, the financial pressure on me will be lessened. Also, you can start shopping for academic materials gradually to reduce stress.

We are super parents, and I pray that we will leave to eat the fruit of our labor.

I am sending hugs to children all over the world, and I pray for divine protection and academic excellence amongst them.

Thanks for visiting my blog.I love and celebrate you always.🤗

Please note that all images are mine.


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