Aspiring to be the best parent for my kids

It's been 8 years since I began my parenthood journey. A lot of work is already in progress, but there are still many tasks ahead as I strive to be the best version of a parent that my three adorable kids will ask for in a parent.


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From my experience so far, permit me to say that parenting is perhaps one of the toughest and most demanding duties human beings undertake. Becoming a parent comes with responsibilities without any manual; regardless, we should set some standards for the type of parents we want for our children while learning and exploring things with them at their arrival, all aimed at becoming the best parent you can be.

The kind of parent I'm and am still working to be better at:

  • A parent who spends quality time with her kids: My parents, despite their busy schedules during those years, still found time to bond with my siblings and me, and this increased the love we have for each other as a family. I have come to understand the importance of bonding with my kids. As much as we toil daily in search of what makes us live well as a family, quality time with my kids is never overlooked. They are my major priority, and each day I try to give them attention and let them feel that parental care. If I don't give them my time, they wouldn't even see an opportunity to share with me what bothers them, what transpired maybe in school, and whatever is going on in their mind. I cannot say that I am perfect at this, but to become the kind of parent they want, I will keep striving to be the best for them.

  • A parent who shows equal love to her kids unconditionally : Now, one can say that showing love to your own blood is easy—yes, no doubt! But do you know that some parents display unequal love among their children? There could be reasons why they do so, which I witnessed in one of my distant relatives homes. However, I am and will continue to be that parent who shows equal love to my kids. Every child is special, no matter their ability. I wouldn't love any of my children less because he is not doing well academically or because he is not handsome, whatever. I want to be a loving parent to my kids at all times, unconditionally.

  • A good listener parent: Many times, my kids walk up to me to say both relevant and irrelevant things, yet I try as much as possible to listen to their rants and complaints. On one occasion, I discovered that a student was actually bullying my son. If I hadn't listened to him, I wouldn't have known what was going on, not to mention handling the issue urgently before it affected him emotionally.

  • A role model parent: I keep striving to be that parent who leads by example. My kids first role model. One thing about children is that they pick things up easily; whatever we do or say in their presence should be something worthy of emulation. I try not to give them instructions, and they found me breaking my own rules; in fact, this type is the type they imitate so easily if care is not taken. For instance, the other day, I talked to my kids about showing kindness to people and saying nice words to anyone around them. So one day, my second son sneezed and I didn't say a word. Then he said, "Mum, are you not supposed to say nice words to me like "take care" because I sneezed? Oh, this got me; I should have said so as I taught him, but I didn't. Leading by example entails that we always practice what we preach. I am also conscious of my use of words and attitude whenever they are around. This is because our home is the first place these children get to learn a lot, and being an intentional parent will save the day.

  • A parent who shows her kids the right from the wrong while correcting mistakes and exercising discipline: I am that kind of parent who doesn't pamper bad behavior. Once I detect a bad character, I try to correct it immediately, letting my kids know when they go wrong. Sometimes, if it's something that requires discipline, I do that while ensuring that the child understands why he is being disciplined so he won't repeat such an attitude. Overall, I try to correct them in love and motivate them when they get it right next time.

  • A more fun parent: doing something creative together and having fun—bringing myself to their level—has been how I roll with my kids. I believe that I am not a boring parent, and I wouldn't want to be one even when I get busier in the future. I am and would love to continue to be that parent who creates fun activities or visits fun places with my kids, showing them the love and care they deserve right from my home.

  • A parent who builds confidence in the lives of her kids: I am trying my best to instill confidence in my children. There are noises out there, and for them to withstand them all, it starts at home. I play my part as a parent, equipping them with positive affirmations so that even when someone tells them otherwise, they already know who they are and can confidently speak for themselves.

In conclusion, aspiring to be the best parent for my kids is my utmost priority. I am not perfect; I still have a lot to learn and implement, but most importantly, becoming more Patience with my kids has given us room for better nurturing 🪴.

This is weekly challenge inspired by the #motherhood community on the theme titled The parent I want to become

Until next time...


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