Table identifier

Hi everyone, for those who don't follow my posts I work in a kindergarten with 4 and 5 year olds.

yesterday we made the locker identifiers for when they arrive they know where their locker is and go there to put their coat and moscila and when they leave the same thing!!! (you can see in the previous post)

This morning we were making the identifiers for the table, so they know their place at the table, because they are always arguing about seats!!!

I asked them to draw the self-portrait, yesterday I had already taught them what the self-portrait was for them to do for the lockers and today when I told them to do a self-portrait they already knew what it was. I didn't think they decorated so fast 😅

Even the little ones in the room already knew 😀

The many benefits of playing art
Making helps stimulate imagination, develop fine motor skills, find innovative solutions, reuse materials and much more. Drawing or painting the child can express what is often difficult to say. What's more, they have help to develop patience, attention, focus and even get to know themselves better.

Of course, at 4 years old, children don't have fine motor skills developed enough to really be able to follow the features of their own face.

I hope you liked it, see you soon friends 😀

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