My Year End Challenge as a Mother

It was almost 6 successive years every two weeks before New Year's Eve that I've been experiencing these problems as a mother. My type 1 Diabetic daughter easily got sick. And I'd noticed she always got sick every end of the year. Twice was her sister the rest of the years was hers. I don't know if other mothers also experience this, but every time it happens, I felt so broken. How I wish I can transfer all my child's sicknesses to myself.

This was when Jewel got a fever last July when her blood sugar also spiked.


Last week of December year 2021, Jewel got a cough that resulted in her getting a fever the next days. She had Type 1 Diabetes which made her vulnerable to getting sick easily. And her blood sugar will also spike every time she has a fever. I think every time a fever strikes her body gets insensitive/resistant to insulin injections.

Blood extraction to test if she had dengue.

We brought her to a pediatrician and got examined and found out that she was reactive in dengue fever and was advised to be admitted because her blood sugar was High at that time again even with the insulin injected already. But we decided not to admit her since it was New Year's Eve that night and the situation was difficult.


A friend advised us to let her drink IGCO milk so that the number of her blood platelets will not get lower. And we also let her drink the boiled water of insulin tree leaves (not sure of the exact name of the plant). Thank God her blood sugar became normal after an hour of drinking the water from the boiled insulin tree and our sadness turned to joy on New Year's Eve 2022.

This was last December 2022.


This last week of December 2022, we experienced the same scenario. Jewel and her sister had a cough and we just let them drink water from boiled Oregano leaves. We usually use medicinal herbs for our children's colds and coughs. But because I failed to let them drink it continually, their cough did not go away. After several days their cough made them in having a fever. Jewel's blood sugar spiked at 400+ and it made me worried. We could not send them to the Doctor because we were so busy with an upcoming event in our Church. Her fever reached 38.6 degrees Celsius.

I was so worried reading this number.

Again, I boiled six leaves of the Insulin tree and made her drunk 120ml every after a meal because I'm afraid it will reach HIGH readings again and may result in DKA which is very dangerous. It was a great help for every time she drinks it her blood sugar will drop to 200+ which was better than 400+.


I then decided to buy the cough medicine that her Endo prescribed during our last visit. Until now she has still a cough, maybe it's because of the cold weather we have here now. Thankfully her sugar came back to normal.


As a mother, my worst challenge was my daughter's health. If only I can choose what challenges I have to face, I will surely not choose this. But despite this challenge, I know I am not alone.

Thank you so much for the time. Again and again, I am so grateful I have this platform where I can share my feelings and thoughts. Thanks for the opportunity.

With love, mommyjane 😘.

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