Tahlia's World: Melton Botanic Garden's Nature Place Space

Tahlia's World: Melton Botanic Garden's Nature Place Space

Spring has sprung in Melbourne, Australia and with warmer weather comes the time to get out amongst the out doors which brings us to season two of Tahlia's World.
Tahlia's World was a fun series of home videos our family put together to document our fun outings exploring awesome attractions, parks and events. Sometimes we are joined with family and friends. Other times we are just out on our own exploring the world.

Today, we headed down to the Melton Botanic Gardens where a brand new nature play space has been built by the local council alongside the wonderful lake with public access BBQs. The gardens are one of the best in Melbourne and have won a number of championships for most beautiful gardens.

It's maintained by community volunteers consisting of local residents who live near by and regularly put in their own time, money and effort to ensure the gardens are in tip top shape. There are a broad range of native plants as well as exotic gardens consisting of plants from Europe, Africa, Asia and an ever expanding walking path where you can explore all the different types of plants.

However, today we were there purely for fun and adventure with the latest addition that is sure to bring in more families to the gardens. The lake opposite also is regularly stocked by fisheries so anglers can enjoy a fish from the bank. The public access FREE BBQ's also allow people to cook the fish they catch or simply bring their own meats or sausages for a wonderful weekend amongst mother nature.

It is one of our families fav spots to visit and wonder around the park and gardens spending time together and just talking. Now with the new Nature Play there will be more people coming especially young families so that means we can make more friends.

We put together a quick video of our spring time fun today at the park. I hope you enjoy the commencement of season II of Tahlia's World as Casey is now getting older he has a lot more of a place in the scenes. We might need to rename the channel and update it a bit more. But for the meantime, sit back and join our family on a wonderful Spring time journey amongst the gum trees.

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