The Struggles of being Santa

The Struggles of being Santa

Gooooood day Motherhood I hope you have all been safe and well and I would like to wish you, your family and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

How have you all been? another year done and dusted and thankfully we are all still here, for many that might not be the case and I would like to take a moment to reflect on the hardship endured by many families around the world throughout this time of year.

Thank you to the Motherhood community who once again has put together another wonderful weekly challenge and it is great to see so money families contributing to the Christmas Challenge.

Like so many I absolutely adore Christmas and more so for the event that it brings the whole family together and we get to see so much joy and happiness in the manifestation of smiles on our children's faces. But it does come with some... errr struggles along the way which I think many can relate to.

One thing I have always disliked is that Santa gets ALLLLL the credit of us buying presents :( I totally want to shout out that Santa isn't real so that good ol dad over here can get some credit for the hard work battling crowds and stores to try and get items the kids wished for. But that is a small price to pay for the happiness of our children.

One thing we do out here in our community and that is support everyone equally as we live in a relatively poorer, low socieo-economic area not all families can afford to purchase presents or get a visit from Santa.

So every year we help by contributing and supporting a local charity in hosting an event in our community for the general public to attend which has plenty of kids entertainment, FREE food and even a visit from Santa to make sure ALL the kids in our community have some fun memories and a smile just like everyone else's family.

Our local member of Parliament attends as well as my wife who is the local councillor to be there also and ensure that everyone has a Christmas they deserve. The event brings the entire community together for a magical summer Australian Christmas celebration.

Now that our community Christmas event is done for the year it is time for me to be Santa's little helper and once again seek out items off my kids Christmas list and then play along with the notion that Santa bought them and not me :(

Once again, I will have to listen to little miss say Dad, why don't you ever get me good things like Santa?. While it hurts now, I can not wait until she grows up and finds out Santa isn't real and that it was me and her mum buying her the toys all these years.

How do you celebrate Christmas where you are? do you have a community event?

Stock images sourced from Canva Pro Subscription

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