The Pandemic that never ends and adapting to it

Oh my, I remember 2019 so well I thought it was a hard year I was two years into parenting and trying to balance career, raising a child and so many other life changes like the mortgage and then the pandemic hit and the next thing I knew it's not 2022.

For us in Melbourne we had the world's longest lock down with over 200 days of lock down which included distance limits, leaving home restrictions and with a young child and another one on way life was hard.


If I could sum the pandemic up in an image, it's the image of the puffer fish washed upto shore. No ability to go anywhere but wanting to get back to its world of normality.

But between the lock downs and restrictions we did have times of laxed restrictions which ment we could go out and meet friends and family, take off for a holiday or return to normal. But with a new born it wasn't something we wanted to risk and without a doubt after every easing restriction an outbreak would occur and people would die.


But with two years under the belt it's becoming a lot easier to avoid to a limit. I mean you can never avoid the virus in its entirety and you can't control everything but you can control things within your control. Like choosing what activities to do and what to avoid.

As summer has hit in Australia but we're facing a La Nina event which means a wet summer with breaks of heat waves. So now we have started planning a return to life to some extent.


Last week because we had a bout of heat waves we took off to the beach and it was quite interesting because despite it being a hot day which would normally mean a packed beach. The beach was quite empty as many people had been forced to isolate due to New Years parties which we avoided this year because we a planning a holiday in the Australian High Country. We've never been there before so we thought we'd add it to our bucket list.

Now that restrictions are eased and Australia is taking a let it rip approach people are choosing to self isolate and remain home. However, we're heading out to try and reclaim our lives.


With a few hot days in a row we were met with some pretty intense torrential rains so it was an indoors event as we are avoiding anything to do with mass gatherings that are indoors. We spent the day cooking and little miss wanted purple pancakes so we wipped some up!


With another break in the weather and a great run of warmer summer days we went out for an evening family bike ride and got some ice cream!

Little miss has been really wanting to get out on her bike on her own without training wheels and if you've read my blogs previously you'd know I was pretty distraught about losing my little mate on the back. But now I have a new friend as little bloke takes the seat little miss once held.

She actually approached the seat and was upset that she could no longer fit in it. During the first round of lock downs in 2020 we were only allowed out to exercise for two hours. Everyday without fail little miss and I would head out on the bike trying to reach high speeds.

I actually really enjoyed it and so did she, it was the first time I was able to spend every waking moment with her, it was a God send and we explored so much of our neighbourhood. I think she longs for it.


With another run of good weather we kept exploring and I got to take little bloke to one of little miss and my favourite locations just outside Melbourne to a wild life park.

I've never brought him here as yet as little miss and I would often run off from the world and spend some time here and lil bloke was too young but now he is fully awake and wanting to explore.


We're even out building tree houses in the woods and having a lot more fun than we've ever had in the past two years! Absolutely amazing to watch the kids.


And now we're heading out on the road to go exploring to a new destination we have never been to before. Victoria's high country amongst the trees, river and exploring a world neither little miss or little bloke have seen before.

I can not explain little miss' excitement the moment we arrived and unpacked our belongings.

I intend to get back to life and not remain fearful in a home but to take each opportunity and live in a COVID safe manner.

How about you?

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