Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Today in Australia is Mother's day, I have come to learn that many nations celebrate mother's day and fathers day at different times of the year and I am not sure on why this is. But for us in the land down under today is Mother's day.

I would like to wish all the wonderful mothers on Hive a happy mother's day and thank you for your contribution to the Hive community. I love reading your articles each day about the journey's you all go on raising your children and spending time with your family.

As the years have gone on the group has continued to grow with wonderful new parents joining us and great stories of raising healthy and strong families which I too have learned new things.

Mother's are the backbone to every family and they are there through thick and thin and have one of the hardest roles within the household. Each country has it's own different cultures and traditions but the most common thing in every household is the part mothers play in keeping the family together.

I would like to give a special shout out to my partner who is always busy working but can always find the time to spend with us and give us her undevoted love and attention.

Each year of motherhood I get to watch my partner grow more as a person and her love ever shining towards our children and their adoration towards her shines bright.

On all our adventures together as a family it is amazing how the children follow her leadership and seek her support in times of need. She brightens up every room and every moment with a warm welcoming smile.

I am sure in all the homes across the world everyone's mother has the same ability and skills and can calm every situation.

To all the mothers on Hive, Thank you for all you do and I look forward to continuing to read your stories and learn more from you all.

Have a wonderful day!

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