An Adventure for Dinner! No Way!

An Adventure for Dinner! No Way!

IT's the weekend again and our family decided to head out for another dinner outing. We had heard rave reviews about Boardwalk Pizzeria and with its reputation for mouth watering wood fired pizzas and vibrant ambiance. It seemed like the perfect choice for a family gathering. With excited chatter and appetites building, we set out for what we hoped would be a memorable evening.

However, fate had other plans in store for us that night. As we arrived at Boardwalk Pizzeria our hearts sank a little as we saw the bustling crowds spilling out onto the sidewalk. It seemed everyone else had the same idea as us! and there were no seats available. Undeterred we decided to make the best of the situation and explore other dining options nearby.

Just a stone's throw away where more venues are located we stumbled upon Billy's Paddock. The inviting glow of its lights and the welcoming atmosphere seemed to beckon us inside. so we crossed the road and headed in

As we settled into our seats we couldn't help but notice the cozy charm and booths available at of Billy's Paddock. The furniture and warm lighting created a comforting ambiance perfect for a family dinner. Our kids' eyes widened with excitement as they sat in their seatsu happy to be out again.

It was really good I went for somehting lighter as I am now cutting for my comp and went for the salt and pepper squid. Lil Bloke Fish and Chips, lil miss nuggets and chips and my wife went for a porter house steak.

But it wasn't just the food that made our evening so special it was the shared moments together and the laughter although I did have to tell the kids off a fair bit..... but the joy of being together as a family was a wonderful moment togehter.

As we bid farewell to Billy's Paddock and made our way home our hearts were full with new memories and our bellies even fuller. It was a night we would cherish and we are really enjoying heading out on these dinner trips.

Now that the kids are getting older it is easier and although there are still some issues with them not being able to sit still... they are just kids and they will become more easy going.

But it is still really fun to head out with them and make new memories!

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