Padres, Abandono y Situaciones Aleccionadoras [Esp-Eng]



Lúgubre era su rostro, tenía a cuestas las tristezas del pasado, un pasado que frustraba su presente, que no permitía, que se abriera a un futuro.

Entre luchas y desengaños, se ahogaba, lo acompañaba la soledad y los recuerdos, recuerdos que aturdían su vida.

Estaba allí al borde de su vejez, con una vida sin pena ni gloria, cargada de defectos y excesos, longeva y abrumada, con cuentos que denotaban, su deseo de atención, pero en fin una vida sola.

His face was gloomy, he bore the sadness of the past, a past that frustrated his present, that did not allow him to open up to a future.

Between struggles and disappointments, he was drowning, he was accompanied by loneliness and memories, memories that stunned his life.

He was there on the verge of his old age, with a life of neither pain nor glory, full of defects and excesses, long-lived and overwhelmed, with stories that denoted his desire for attention, but in short, a lonely life.



Pasa el tiempo y sigue ahí, en ese torbellino de emociones, taciturno y solapado, encorvado por un peso, que lo llaman carma.

Él es Juan, ermitaño y citadino, cosas análogas, que describen su desequilibrio, acompañado, pero solo, lleva su vida, sonriendo con llanto, por penas que lo agobian.

Su día a día, era monótono y aburrido, ya no había la emoción de soñar, estaba embutido en sí y en su letanía retrógrada, que era plegaria eterna.

Un día lo llama su hijo, el cual abandonó, lo invita a comer, con vergüenza acepta, se traga, el orgullo de la pena y va a la cita, con el amor de su vida, su hijo.

Se viste de negro, como siempre, con pantalones de lino, bien planchados, zapatos negros relucientes, que eran espejos que mostraban su silueta, camisa y chaqueta, bien perfumado, para esconder su tristeza, va al encuentro de su hijo.


Time goes by and he is still there, in that whirlwind of emotions, taciturn and underhanded, bent under a weight, which they call him carma.

He is Juan, hermit and city dweller, analogous things, which describe his imbalance, accompanied, but alone, he leads his life, smiling with tears, for sorrows that overwhelm him.

His day to day life was monotonous and boring, there was no longer the emotion of dreaming, he was engrossed in himself and in his retrograde litany, which was an eternal prayer.

One day his son, whom he had abandoned, calls him, invites him to lunch, he accepts with shame, swallows the pride of his sorrow and goes to the rendezvous with the love of his life, his son.

He dresses in black, as always, with well-pressed linen trousers, shiny black shoes, which were mirrors that showed his silhouette, shirt and jacket, well perfumed, to hide his sadness, he goes to meet his son.





Llega al sitio acordado y a la distancia ve a Fabricio, un chico de 25 años, sonriente y alegre, se detiene un momento, para esconder su emoción, camina lentamente y llega a la mesa, su hijo se levanta y sin esperarlo, siente un abrazo de amor.

Era su hijo, que sin rencor lo abrazó, le dijo viejo, que bien te ves, dame otro abrazo, con las manos temblorosas, arropó su espalda, y acercó su rostro al hombro, fueron 5 segundos maravillosos, sintió el perdón, el amor y la paz de abrazar a Fabricio.

Fue una velada cómoda, entre vinos y carne, pasó el tiempo, terminaron de comer y Fabricio lo miró tiernamente a los ojos, y con una voz dulce, le dijo:

-Papá, aunque estuviste ausente, te quiero, y recuerdo con amor, los pocos momentos juntos.

Tomó su mano y susurrando al oído, comentó:

-Te queda mucho amor por dar padre, nunca es tarde para empezar y si estás vivo, vive, si caminas, corre y si quieres, ama.

Juan se levantó y vio, esa mirada profunda de Fabricio, sonrió y se retiró lentamente, quería gritar que lo amaba, que lo perdonara, pero su voz se trabó, cada palabra de su hijo, retumbaba en su mente, su mirada atravesaba su alma, era un momento memorable.

Juan llegó a casa, y tomó un lápiz y en una hoja vieja, escribió las palabras de su hijo, y leyó una y otra vez, mientras recordaba, cada retazo de su vida, cada historia vacía, cada momento vano.

Caída la noche, Juan va a la cama sonriente, era un día memorable, había llegado un poco de paz a su alma, repentinamente un fuerte dolor, hace retumbar su pecho, su corazón deja de latir, un infarto le arrebata la vida a Juan.

He arrives at the agreed place and in the distance he sees Fabricio, a 25 year old boy, smiling and happy, he stops for a moment, to hide his emotion, he walks slowly and arrives at the table, his son gets up and without expecting it, he feels a loving embrace.

It was his son, who without rancour hugged him, he said to him old man, how good you look, give me another hug, with trembling hands, he wrapped his back, and brought his face close to his shoulder, it was 5 wonderful seconds, he felt the forgiveness, the love and the peace of embracing Fabricio.

It was a comfortable evening, between wine and meat, time passed, they finished eating and Fabricio looked him tenderly in the eyes, and with a sweet voice, he said:

-Dad, although you were absent, I love you, and I remember with love, the few moments together.

She took his hand and whispering in his ear, commented:

-You have a lot of love left to give father, it is never too late to start and if you are alive, live, if you walk, run and if you love, love.

Juan stood up and saw Fabricio's deep gaze, he smiled and slowly withdrew, he wanted to shout that he loved him, to forgive him, but his voice was stuck, every word of his son, echoed in his mind, his gaze pierced his soul, it was a memorable moment.

Juan came home, and took a pencil and on an old sheet of paper, he wrote his son's words, and read them over and over again, as he remembered, every snippet of his life, every empty story, every vain moment.

Night fell, Juan went to bed smiling, it was a memorable day, a little peace had come to his soul, suddenly a strong pain made his chest rumble, his heart stopped beating, a heart attack took Juan's life.





La vida se le acabó, le pasó por el frente, mientras él seguía sumido en el pasado y en la frustración, quedo allí, sin pena ni gloria.

Se fue con ese amor para dar, las palabras de su hijo se quedaron ahí, "nunca es tarde para empezar y si estás vivo, vive, si caminas, corre y si quieres, ama".

No pudo lastrarse, de sus perjuicios, de sus manías, los demonios internos opacaron su luz, y hoy ni el recuerdo lo puede salvar.

No seamos como Juan, la vida es la única oportunidad que tenemos, vivámosla, amemos a nuestros hijos, luchemos por ello, disfrutemos su compañía, tomemos riesgos juntos, es aquí y en el ahora, el pasado fue, el mañana será, simplemente vivamos hoy.

Recuerden no hay ex padres ni ex hijos

Life was over, it passed him by, while he was still submerged in the past and in frustration, he was left there, without pain or glory.

He left with that love to give, the words of his son remained there, "it is never too late to start and if you are alive, live, if you walk, run and if you love, love".

He could not be weighed down by his prejudices, his manias, the inner demons dulled his light, and today not even the memory can save him.

Let's not be like Juan, life is the only chance we have, let's live it, let's love our children, let's fight for it, let's enjoy their company, let's take risks together, it's here and now, the past was, tomorrow will be, let's just live today.

Remember there are no ex-parents or ex-children



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