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~Motherhood: Life Before Kids~

Helloooooooooooo Sweet Mommas!

Here we are again, entering into the weekly challenge @motherhood Life Before Kids. I seem to want to join in this week's challenge because at some point we all had this phase before we became moms.

Soooo, Life before kids! Hmmmmmmmmm..

Actually, it is one of the dreaded questions of so many what ifs that people or say most moms who stumble over at this thought because some may see it as not just a positive but as well as a negative thought, too.

To me, I am more inclined to the positive side because truly I do not and will not ever regret being a MOM or regret not having my three handsome monkeys. Though it is true, the our lives before we became a parent it was more lax and carefree and probably lots and lots and loooooooots of freedom as compared to now. Oh! I know you know what I mean!! hahaha.

When we were single, we only do think of ourselves. Schedules for travels, vacation and doing other extra activities are made pretty easy. The only thing that hinders us from doing what we want was our PARENTS, because at that time we still need their approval. We Filipinos have strong family ties that even if we reached the age of 18, we are still living under them and we do not get the same FREEDOM as others get. Oh no! The policy is, your house your rules! And since we are still living with our parents, we are bounded to their rules. And it is disrespectful if we do not get their permission or blessings.

Basically, my life before I entered MOTHERHOOD, was probably the same as with everyone. Nothing really fancy because I wasn't born with a silver platter and being the eldest child, some of the responsibilities in the family where shared to me. I somehow became responsible at an early age. I learn the value of money and how it should be spend and not. I don't get to buy whatever I want because there are some important things to buy. I don't do party here and there, though I attend a few selected parties with the consent of my parents. I am not a heavy drinker but I do go for light beers which is 2 bottles limit and have no vices at all. Hmmmmmm.. a boring life huh.. yeah maybe..

####### *pregnant me way back 2011

Life before was pretty simple and routinary for me. Nothing really special. However, when I got pregnant my life had turned majestically! And I was not really prepared or nobody will ever be prepared for it I guess. But I was happy because the though that I could carry another lifeform within me is beyoooooond amazing! I mean, not everyone can get pregnant. There are a few who struggles with pregnancy. Though, I was a bit struggling with mine at that time. We got married in early January of 2011 and got pregnant around August of the same year. Early May of 2011, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)! The OB told me that I will have difficulty getting pregnant because my eggs are not fertilized the normal way like everyone else. I was sad and somehow devastated, I thought when I married I wanted children all at once. At that point I regretted not having a full body check before getting married. Hence, life has other plans for me. There I was not having thoughts of getting pregnant anytime soon. But boooooomed! I got two faint lines in August of 2011. My life started to changed upside down. Oh yeah! My every first of firsts to everything had started. And this is the part where comparison had set in, the single life over the motherhood stage. Because getting married had not really changed much, only that I have moved out from my parents and lived separately.

When I had my first child, it was that moment when everything dawn to me what was life was with and without kids. I started comparing things, and the very first thing I seemed to notice was that the enormous changes in the human body. It's pretty amazing how us woman can carry a baby within us nor how the body adjust to the baby growing inside. I am amazed at how our belly expands.. hahaha.. Then, I finally confirmed that I somehow lost was my waist! I mean I used to have a 23 inch waistline, uh-huh! I could fit in into any clothing under small tag. That was all in the past baby!! I never had seen my 23 inch waistline anymore. As motherhood life turned upside down, so did my waistline! byebye curves!

There were also times, I could get out of the house without worrying too much on the time to get home. Unlimited time outside the house, I mean we rarely be available at home. If we are, its only a few hours with the family. The rest were spend with friends and date times. More times of travelling and staycation were not a problem as long as you have the money to spend with.

I fully remember too, that I was capable of sleeping beyond the 8 hours needed of sleep! Like I could sleep late and without disturb or anyone waking me up especially during weekends, except for my mother shouting me to wake up to eat. Imagine, I sleep like a log and won't wake until it is dark again! hahahahaha. oooohhhhhhhh I do miss that! I forgot how to do it anymore. Today, I have 3 kids who alternately constantly wake me up! Its either one of them tries to poke my eyes open or one will come jumping on me. I feel they had broken a rib in me. Nahhhh.. I rarely slept much these days. Also, they keep taking all of my bed space, like there is a huge huge space over at their father and yet all three monkeys only wants invade my area, all three snuggling super close to me. Like, sometimes I would wake up and suddenly there's a leg in my face and the worst time was someone sitting on my face too! aarrrrrggggghhhhhhh!

Also, before I super enjoy eating more because I am able to eat almost anything and have no worries of getting too fat. I was far skinny even if I ate 3 plates over.. hahahaha.. but today it's a different story, I gain more of what I ate! I have to be careful and always on the lookout for food that has allergens for I still breastfeed. Being a breastfeeding momma, I can transfer allergens to my baby if I ain't careful. That happened with my first baby, I did not know about that at first and I panicked big time and swear to the doctor that I won't do it again. Poor baby got allergic reactions because of me eating almost anything. But with the two other kids, oh well, we became experts on it. hahahaha.. Did you master eating with just one hand while the other one is holding the baby securely?? Oh well, I did!!!!!

Another thing that single life before, there is the marathon all day and all night without any interruption and with just noodles and bread in tow, amazing! I missed the zombie days we became after that and still look forward to more binge watchig. But now, though movie marathon is still a thing, however, NOOOOOOW it's the same movie on the loop!!!!!! 🙄😓... I even memorized their lines and dance moves.. oohhh my! It's supeeeeeer crazy especially when FROZEN came out. oh no! My booooooooooys even loooooved it, it is not just for girls! I tell you, my booooooooys kept playing it over and over again with all the singing and dancing! haha

Motherhood had taken a toll in all of us especially for first time parents especially changing diapers. And who could master changing diapers??!! It wasn't taught in school either. I did not get to experience that when I was younger because my siblings and I were almost born one year apart. At first, it was hard changing diapers on my own, I alwasy sought for somebody to help me out. I was freakingly scared with my first baby. I was afraid of the poops going everywhere hahahaha.. I could just imagine how clumsy I was before. But now, I mastered the thing on my own and faster too! 🤣😂

There is also, the messy family car! I don't think there is one well-cleaned car with kids in it. Come one, show me!!!! hahahahaha.. Travelling with kids is not easy, it's truly hardwork dude! You can't even call it a vacation either. No way cowboy!

Nonetheless, I would say this over and over and over and over again. My children are the BEEEEEEST things that happened in my life. I do not regret having them at all. Even if there are a lot that I had given up for them, it was worth it. I am not alone in this journey, it has been tough but somehow I survive, I mean we survived and still striving to get the best of life can offer us.

I could not imagine life without my three monkeys! Life with them may always be messy and Jurassic is on the loose... But we wouldn't have it any way. Our kids will not stay little for long, they will eventually grow. I guess we had to enjoy if not endure (hahahahaha), because someday we will miss all these things.

Thanks for keeping me company as I babble my two cents in this topic.

bye bye!
