General Rehearsal Day..! || Camino a la Promoción


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Saludos queridos hivers, espero hayan tenido una excelente semana, hoy en mi país es día feriado por lo que pensé tomarlo para salir con mis hijos a pasear al centro comercial y así liberarnos del estrés de la semana, ya que estos últimos días han estado haciendo tareas y estudiando para los últimos exámenes, pero hubo cambios de planes, ya que ayer la maestra nos sorprendió a todos los representantes con un mensaje que debíamos asistir hoy al colegio para un ensayo general con todos los niños de 6.º grado, ya que hay dos secciones, una del turno de la mañana y la otra del turno de la tarde, y debían practicar el protocolo del acto académico juntos.

Por lo que hoy nos tocó levantarnos temprano para estar puntual en la escuela, y que los niños pudieran hacer su práctica, se ordenaron las sillas con el mismo orden que van a ser llamados para recibir sus medallas y diplomas, y los maestros les dieron cada uno su número de asiento y las instrucciones de cómo comportarse durante el acto académico, además se nos informó quienes son los niños que les corresponde hacer la petición de títulos, el niño que va a dar el discurso, y los niños que van a subir a dar los certificados y obsequios a los padrinos y directivos del colegio, quedando mi hijo seleccionado para entregar el reconocimiento a su maestra.

Nos quedamos algunos padres para ayudar a los docentes a realizar el ensayo, y los que estábamos en el comité pro graduación aprovechamos para reunirnos en un salón y ultimar varios detalles pendientes, todos los que asistimos nos quedamos muy satisfechos al ver a nuestros hijos ya cerquita de alcanzar una meta más y con el corazón llenos de emociones encontradas porque cada día el acto está más cerca; me alegro compartir esta actividad con ustedes, hasta una nueva oportunidad.

English Version

Greetings dear hivers, I hope you have had an excellent week, today in my country is a holiday, so I thought I would take it to go out with my children to walk to the mall and release the stress of the week, as these last days have been doing homework and studying for the last exams, but there were changes of plans, because yesterday the teacher surprised all the representatives with a message that we should attend school today for a dress rehearsal with all the children of 6th grade, as there are two sections, one of the morning shift and one of the afternoon shift, and they should practice the protocol of the academic act together. There are two sections, one from the morning shift and the other from the afternoon shift, and they were to practice the protocol of the academic act together.

So today we had to get up early to be punctual at school, so that the children could do their practice, the chairs were arranged in the same order as they will be called to receive their medals and diplomas, and the teachers gave them each seat number and instructions on how to behave during the academic act, We were also informed who are the children who will make the request of titles, the child who will give the speech, and the children who will go up to give the certificates and gifts to the sponsors and school directors, being my son selected to deliver the recognition to his teacher.

So today we had to get up early to be punctual at school, so that the children could do their practice, the chairs were arranged in the same order as they will be called to receive their medals and diplomas, and the teachers gave them each seat number and instructions on how to behave during the academic act, We were also informed who are the children who will make the request of titles, the child who will give the speech, and the children who will go up to give the certificates and gifts to the sponsors and school directors, being my son selected to deliver the recognition to his teacher.

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Xiaomi Redmi 7ACanvaDeepL

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I Don't authorize anyone to use my Photos / No Autorizo a nadie a usar mis fotos.

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