Discover Your Child's Talent

Hello dear mommies, I hope you are doing well. Once again I am here to share a topic related to our children, and I am sure that at some point we have asked ourselves this question.

As parents we always want our children to develop talents that will guide them through life and make them successful. But, how do we know, from an early age, what are the aptitudes of each child, in order to be able to advise them in the best possible way?



The manifestation of talent is a consequence of the relationship with the environment and the cultural aspects to which each person is subjected, also taking into account biological and psychological factors.

Therefore, it is not possible to determine an exact age for children to demonstrate an aptitude for something in particular; there is even the possibility that some gifts may manifest themselves later, in adulthood.

When we are children, however, talents present themselves more easily, since this is the phase in which character is being shaped, a factor that, together with the opportunities that arise and the motivations that each one presents, is a key element.

Although there is no standard age, it is certain that all people have abilities that, in fact, can be stimulated from childhood. But even if parents encourage what they think is right, the result is not always effective.



What parents should keep in mind is that they can stimulate their children to the most diverse types of talents: sports, arts, exact sciences, communication, among others.

Once the child has all his abilities stimulated, he can develop in a more harmonious way, avoiding any kind of capacity blockage.

A big mistake is a person frustrated in some goal of seeking self-realization in others, for example, a mother who wanted to be a dancer taking her daughter through a grueling process to become a dancer, without giving her the option to do something else.

As parents, the choice of what skill to foster is completely private, but the important thing is to give your child the opportunity to try as many options as possible.

This way, you'll be sure to find a space that is as suited to her tastes as possible. A well-directed child becomes a more confident adult.

But what is talent?

Another very important factor for the evolution of children is for parents to have a good understanding of the concept of talent so that they can convey the right message to their children.

Adults need to question what they understand by talent, what they are presenting to their little ones and what their expectations of them are. Only then will it be possible to direct children in the right way.

In addition, you need to watch out for excesses.



So, when the child demonstrates a gift for something in particular, parents should ideally encourage, direct and present the pros and cons, allowing them to strengthen their own choices.

In my particular case, my daughter, Genesis, has developed talents such as dancing and singing because in the family in general these gifts have been manifested in different generations. She is also passionate about photography.

See you soon! Thanks for reading me.


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