Taking Care of Your Child Even When You Are Sick

How do mothers take care of their kids when they the care givers are sick and nobody is around to help out?


I can't believe I have been away for nearly two months, it's been one of the longest in my life. I wasn't in a good mental space to blog and yet I have my daughter to tend to, my husband had to go to work because we all need to eat. I struggle with been really weak to waking up early to prepare my daughter to school. She doesn't understand a thing, I'm sure some days she wonder why mum is so weak but she won't be able to express that to me. A certain time she saw me crying and went to take toilet paper to wipe my tears because that's what I usually do for her. It's been a roller coaster ride but I'm glad I'm back and able to blog again. I hope one day I will share more details on my health journey.


This actually brings me back to how do parents cope when they have to take care of their children when they are not feeling too well? We overlook some critical things parents do for their children and sometimes it's hard to see those kids grow up and be so disrespectful to their parents with all the things they went through raising the child. I almost lost my mind. I had no strength in me and yet I'd still have to feed my two years old and cater for her, all of a sudden I felt so much pity for my mum and what my siblings and i make her go through while growing up. Mothers are heroes and honestly they deserved to be worshipped.


This picture above is one of our recovery pictures, it was a journey I wish I would never experience again. Thank God for health and thank God I'm better and fine now. To all mothers that have to tend to their kids while they are sick or to all mothers tending to a sick kid, I pray that the light will shine one you and make everything with ease. I pray you have strength and peace you can't comprehend. Stay strong, better days are just around the corner.

I so much miss writing and can't wait to join the 15 days June challenge. So many amazing topics to write about.

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