My Adorable Daughter Turned Three!

Celebrating one's birthday is one of the cherished moments that will forever be thankful for. Birthdays only happened once a year and the essence of celebrating it would only mean that we love being alive and still thankful as we reached our age.

The birthday girl taking a pose with her cake

Last May 19, 2023, was my daughter's third birthday. Time flies so fast. I can't imagine that she's already three years old. I remembered I just carried her in my arms and used to cry when I'm not around. Those sleepless nights when she's not feeling right. Where did the time go? Oh, how I wish I can control the time.

Before we continue to the celebration, let me share a little bit of my struggles in delivering her into this wonderful world.

Story Time...

During my pregnancy, my doctor told me that I will be delivering my baby through cesarean section because my firstborn was cesarean section as well. I already expect that I'll undergo this. It's a tough year in which we experienced the Covid-19 pandemic. The operation laboratories were closed and my doctor recommended me to city hospitals. According to her, we should have to prepare 200,000 (3600usd) to 250,000 (4488usd). OMG! Where could we find that amount, so we prayed so hard to find the solution.

Two days before my operation, God answered our prayers, someone we can ask for help in the hospital, and also a good friend of my husband's mother.

The day has come! We went to the hospital, specifically at Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center. This is my second time coming back here. They already have the records of my medical history. I have doubts and was afraid as well since I knew that Covid patients were increasing in that hospital. Then, the doctor explained that those patients were in an isolated area where only geared doctors and nurses can enter.

During the operation, I'm a bit nervous and I felt pain in my upper left back however the operation went well. I wonder why my daughter didn't place on my chest, it's because they prevented her from me since I underwent a swab test and there are no results yet. Therefore, I understand the whole process after we were discharged. I was then put in a recovery room to check if I can move my feet even if I can't feel my half body, I still do what the nurses instructed me.


After an hour, they placed me in a transparent cubicle. As I observed, we were set in a cubicle where only us inside. I was still lying flat, with no energy, starved, feeling bad about my back, and alone. Since it's a pandemic, no companion is allowed. I have to do it on my own. I have to regain my energy before something happened. I was able to force myself in getting up after 5 hours. I can't feel my feet but I have to stand to walk. This is what exactly doctor told me, to avoid complications in my intestine.

My husband worried about me since he was the one taking care of me during my first delivery, and now I have to rely on myself. I took pictures so he can be sure that I'm still alive inside. He was sleeping outside the building and striving to survive a night without a pillow or blanket.


This is the transparent cubicle that I meant. It is in the ward section where some patients were in. It's humid however no electric fan is allowed so we have to use hard paper to make a fan. No talking to each other to avoid spreading the virus. The struggles I felt couldn't equal money! I regained myself by eating porridge, as a cesarean I should not take advantage of being starved it will lead to death. Only soft meals were taken. I have to be brave and make myself strong.


Finally! After 4 days I got the results and it's negative so the doctors allowed my daughter to be with me. I wonder what milk did they give to my daughter? Anyway, I'm glad that she's with me now and give her a breastfeed. Thank God that she sucked right away.

I should always wear a mask even I'm inside the transparent cubicle to protect everyone

Five days had passed and we were still in the hospital. I'm already fine and can walk directly however we're waiting for the doctor's go signal. After 7 days, the surveying doctor said that soon we'll be going home and we should settle first our bills. My husband then settled everything and was able to seek help from Malasakit Program (a program where we can ask for help for indigenous people). What's the biggest thing we're grateful for was we paid none! as in zero balance. At last, we were discharged.

Finally at home!


We contacted an ambulance from our nearby barangay and arrived home safely however we have to be quarantined for 14 days. This is the protocol to be followed since we're from the hospital. People from our residence were afraid and didn't go near to our house. Only my sister was the one I can ask for help to buy some groceries to suffice our needs for 14 days. The last day of quarantine has come and we were all safe and well especially my baby.

I forgot to tell you, my son was with his nanny the whole time we were in the hospital until we were quarantined.

That's how challenging my pregnancy was. I was able to survive all those with the strength He has given me.


This is when she's 2 months old. She's gaining weight and making us fall in love each day.




When she's two years old, she can indirectly talk and make fun with his brother as well.

Third birthday celebration


I let her choose what to wear, and she then picked this pair.

In the morning, I went to Bogo City to buy cake, ingredients for the salad, and a tarpaulin. My daughter took a pose when I put the cake on her knees.


You guys wonder why they're just singing because my daughter wanted to eat her cake so I let them sing her a birthday song so she can feel that it's her birthday. I know she may forget this but somehow she experienced this.


She blows her candle and smiles cutely.


This is the setup outside, where I put the tarpaulin and balloons. The sound system was all set so the visitors can sing while waiting for the lechon (roasted pig) to be fully cooked.


Almost done!

The rest of the celebration was history.


Thank you for reading Hivers! Hope you enjoy it. But before you leave, take a bite!

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