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An Ideal mother


This morning I walked down the street to buy snacks at Lady Martina's restaurant and I overheard her narrating her true life story to a young lady; Mrs Mirabel who just got married few months ago.
"The First year of our marriage was rosy.There were never short of money because Ben was comfortable in my workplace.Although I was not working,and Ben's income was more than enough to sustain both of us .Then children started arriving.Kenedy was born in the second year of the marriage,followed in quick succession by two girls.And suddenly,My husband's salary could no longer meet the numerous family financial obligations such as providing the family daily needs, buying baby things , paying all sorts of utility bills and shelling out some good cash for unplanned expenses like paying the hospital bill of a sick member of the family and fixing our car.It became difficult for us to make ends meet.
One day, i laid on my stomach on the sitting room sofa, playing a game on my phone. This habit had become my everyday routine for the past few weeks after trying unsuccessfully to get a good paying job.And having tried and failed ,i momentarily gave up the search in frustration,and depended on Ben for support until something concrete came up.Remaining in that position almost everyday,I became very hungry and looking at the time,I figured it was time to prepare lunch so i could eat something since I hadn't eaten any food. Moreover,our children would soon come back from school and food had to be ready before they arrived, else there would be trouble, especially from Kennedy, whose appetite for food is insatiable.
As I sauntered into the kitchen with sleepy eyes , something caught my attention. I noticed an ant lifting a food particle four times it's size off the kitchen table.It dragged the particle along the wall daringly, stopped a few times, and then continued on it's way.Suddenly,other ants immediately gathered around as if following a trail, helping it to drag the food towards their destination.I carefully watched on with deep admiration for a while, and then decided to disturb the pattern.Using my index finger, i removed the food fragment from the grip of ants, and nudged it some distance away from their procession, injuring most of them in the process.But that didn't deter them from quickly coming together and continued on the trail they had already created.I was fascinated that long after the ants had disappeared,i stood still, looking at the crack in the wall through which they had vanished.That experience taught me a vital lesson about my situation.Right there and ,i snapped out of my mood and decided to resume my job hunt.
After few weeks ,i noticed that things had changed drastically in my family and this kept me worried .Twice ,i noticed my husband brooding with his head bowed while sitting alone on the balcony thinking deeply, and every night when he returned from work,he did always surf the internet in search of a higher paying job than his present one.I also noticed that these occurrences were signs of unhealthy family relationship,which could degenerate into a serious problem like the one the couple next door were having.They were always fighting over money , disturbing neighbors every time with angry outbursts and sometimes properties are destroyed during the fight. The thought of that daily quarrel next door jolted me into action because I wouldn't want to experience that in my own home.
I sat down and prayerfully thought of what i could do to Solve our financial challenges.

Having the knowledge of making confectionaries ,I quickly brushed up my skills and started selling snacks Infront of our house.My products were so good and tasty that i got a contract through one of my customers to provide snacks and tea every morning to the headquarters of a reputable bank in town .With God's help and some financial support from Ben,i purchased a tea set,employed the services of few caterers ,and took my confectionary to bank.


The contract turned out to be a huge success as the business developed into this big fast-food restaurant with branches in many places . Though the work was stressful and demands lots of energy ,but i kept on pushing until the heightened financial challenge at home eased. Now , we are rich again and have more than enough to provide the pressing needs of the family as well as support our aged parents and carry out building project." Mrs. Martina said as Mrs.Mirabel smiled and thanked her. I nodded my head and quickly ran home.

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