Going All Out To Help My Daughter

The compassion of mothers ways go beyond what human eyes can comprehend. A times we may think some parents are over reacting because we have not been faced with similar scenario. Yesterday I read from one of my friends blog how she literally cried when she got a call from the school. What she said got me so emotional as I tried going to the world of imagination to extract how she felt with the whole thing. Thankfully it later ended as a miss placed call.

For days now, my baby was not feeling herself. She nags at any little thing and wants every attention to be on her. As a mother I gave my own diagnosis but was not so moved to carry it out because giving her medication is so much a stress to me. She rejects all, even when I want to play it cool My babe will not allow my will to prevail. Last night was one long night for me because I barely got a good sleep because the fever was so high

I just had to seel for medical assistance today and she was placed on Emel injection which will last for three days. The antibiotics which is syrup is another big work for me. I did my best to force her to take those drugs and after which she eat to a reasonable quantity.

Using this moment I want to send a shout to all parents onchain who make sure their wards are fine at all cost. Your labour of love is noticed.

We are better

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