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Motherhood; The Good, normal and ugly.

Hello hive mom and Dad🥰.

I feel excited when I came across this topic here in the community and so I thought to share how I feel about the topic.

Motherhood comes with a lot of package but here are some amazing things I feel so good about being a mother. Although these are just a few.

The joy of seeing my baby grow and develop into his own person is one Good thing about motherhood.

The special bound between my baby and me is another thing I can't trade for the whole world.

I feel so responsible for his needs, the satisfaction of being able to provide and help my child is another Good thing about motherhood.

These phase of motherhood to me is a learning one, I'm not only learning my role I'm also learning about my child. I'm also in a position to teach another person a right and better part to grow.

This little being will grow into an adult and a good one at that, and they will love me unconditionally and support me that alone mean everything.

Although motherhood isn't all that a perfect role or Job,it still has it's own awful which are normal

Here are some few points of mine I consider as "normal" in motherhood.

Motherhood comes with stress and pressure to be responsible for another person life.

Motherhood is demanding, The physical demands of pregnancy, childbirth and early stages of motherhood.

The financial aspects of taking care and buying things for the child. Motherhood requires you to have money or have a job.
As a mother, my sleepless nights started the day I put to birth. I can't even count how many times I sometimes stay awake either to attend to my child or to pet him back to sleep or cleaning him up after he messed himself up.

I loss my freedom and my personal time. I don't have time even to attend some functions, I must come with my baby, I can't even spend hours in the bathroom meditating and relaxing like the way I use to before*.

If I spend more than five minutes in the bathroom is either my baby will walk up to me or the father would call on me to come attend to the baby,My whole life revolves around him now.

The. ugly part of motherhood to me is the stigma and discrimination against a working mother. I'm only a mother, I'm not disable I can still work in any organisation, why would my status as a mother affect the position I'm supposed to get? And who say I'm not capable to handle them both? If I don't work how would I provide for my kids? These are the questions I ask each time I apply for a normal job and the employer reminder me of my motherhood status.

What about the pressure and judgement from the society on mothers they expect perfection from them and want them to do all things.

Should I just talk about how our mental health is challenged, postpartum depression and anxiety.
And in all these we still have to act normal for everyone.

Motherhood is a blessing and this blessings comes with a lot of package. God has installed in all mothers the extra ordinary strength to manage and cope with all the challenges that are associated with it.
I'm a super mum of an amazing son and yes sometimes I feel overwhelmed by my title but I have the strength to keep moving and I'm blessed to be a mother.

P.s I couldn't post this on the Leo thread because I'm still finding it hard to sign in. Please I will be happy if anyone who has successfully do so put me through the process.