[Spa-Eng] El desafío de comprar útiles escolares en Venezuela

Hola a todas mis amigos❤😘 de esta maravillosa comunidad. #Maternidad

Hello to all my friends of this wonderful community.#Motherhood

Esta semana que viene , comienzan oficialmente las clases presenciales en Venezuela. Y uno de los desafíos que tenemos todos los padres , es como hacer para conprar todos los útiles escolares en medio de esta crisis inflacionaria que vivimos .

Hace una semana tuve una reunión en el colegio de mi hijo , él estudia en un preescolar privado , y estaban comentando que probablemente subirían la mensualidad ,debido a que la que tienen hoy en día de 25 $, no les alcanza para cubrir los gastos del colegio .

This coming week the school year officially starts in Venezuela. And one of the challenges that all parents have, is how to buy all the school supplies in the midst of this inflationary crisis we live in.

A week ago I had a meeting at my son's school, he studies in a private preschool, and they were commenting that they will probably raise the monthly fee, because the one they have today of $25.00 is not enough to cover the school expenses.

Esto realmente me preocupo muchísimo ,tanto a mi como a mi esposo , porque nosotros consideramos como padres ,que lo más inportante que podemos darle a un hijo es su educación y eso va implicito hasta en el colegio que estudia , y sí para nosotros es un gran sacrificio, porque somos personas que hacen un esfuerzo inimaginable para cubrir todas sus necesidades en este país , hemos considerado hasta retirarlo del colegio por todo lo que implica , pero cuando sopesamos lo positivo y negativo es más lo positivo que tenemos al tenerlo allí.

This really worried me and my husband a lot, because we consider as parents that the most important thing we can give a child is his education and that is implicit even in the school he studies, and yes for us it is a great sacrifice, because we are people who make an unimaginable effort to meet all their needs in this country, we have even considered withdrawing him from school for all that it implies, but when we weigh the positive and negative is more positive to have him there.

El colegio utiliza la metodologia neuroeducativa que es conocer potencialidades y debilidades del niño , fomentando su desarrollo cognitivo a través de estrategias que le ayuden en su desarrollo cerebral .

Realmente para mi es un excelente colegio ,y ya estamos a punto de comenzar clases .

The school uses the neuro-educational methodology which is to know the potential and weaknesses of the child, encouraging their cognitive development through strategies that help in their brain development.

I really think it is an excellent school, and we are about to start classes.

Estando en la reunión pudimos conversar con la maestra y con algunos padres sobre las dificultades que tenían . Casi todas las madres habian entregado los útiles escolares , una gran bolsa con toda la lista que habían pedido .

Realmente no pensaba que habia que llevarla y si les soy sincera , tampoco la habia comprado jajajaja , en mi mente solo llego fue la angustia 😳 de como hacer para comprarla .

At the meeting we were able to talk with the teacher and some parents about the difficulties they were having. Almost all of them had delivered the school supplies, a big bag with all the list they had asked for.

I didn't really think I had to bring it and if I am honest, I hadn't bought it either hahaha, in my mind I was only worried about how to buy it.

Y apenas llegue a casa, converse con mi esposo de como podriamos hacer , asi que establecimos prioridades .

Reunimos la ganancia del trabajo de mi esposo 50 $ ,algunas cosas que vendi 10$ y algo de dinero que habia ganado en #hive 15 $ , en total unos 75 $ .

And as soon as I got home, I talked to my husband about how we could do it, so we established priorities.

We put together my husband's work earnings 50 $ , some things I sold 10 $ and some money I had earned in #hive 15 $ , totaling about $ 75 .

Fuimos en familia a comprar todo lo que necesitabamos , y logramos conseguir muy buenos precios ,eso sí , tuvimos que caminar muchisimo , porque en todos partes varian mucho los precios .En algunas tiendas puedes encontrar todo lo que necesitas, porque son articulos importados, pero a un precio que soprepasa tu presupuesto.Lo más costoso fueron los libros , ya que el no usa cuaderno sino libros de actividades , entre lo dos libros eran casi 36 $ .

We went as a family to buy everything we needed, and we managed to get very good prices, yes, we had to walk a lot, because everywhere prices vary a lot, in some stores you can find everything you need because they are imported but at a price that surpasses your budget, the most expensive were the books, since he does not use notebook but activity books, between the two books were almost $ 36.

Cuando llegamos a la tienda , mi hijo queria llevarse casi todo, estaba muy emcionado escojiendo sus utiles , todo era del hombre araña.

A pesar del enorme gasto, pudimos comprar todo lo que necesitabamos , y nos alcanzo para comprarle un heladito a khael , que se lo disfruto muchisimo .

When we got to the store, my son wanted to take almost everything, he was very excited to pick out his supplies, almost everything was Spiderman.

Despite the huge expense, we were able to buy everything we needed, and we were able to buy an ice cream for Khael, who enjoyed it very much.

Hoy en dia brindarle a tu hijo , una educación de calidad , es un gran sacrificio y aunque muchas personas no entiendan porque lo hacemos , nosotros si entendemos y sabemos que a larga dará sus frutos .

Today, giving your child a quality education is a big sacrifice and although many people don't understand why we do it, we do understand and know that it will pay off in the long run.

Gracias por tu tiempo en leer nuestra experiencia .💛💙❤

Thank you for taking the time to read our experience. #momlife

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