A naughty or hyperactive child??

Hola amigos de esta grandiosa comunidad ❤ de mamis y papis

Hello friends of this great community ❤of mommies and daddies

Si pudieran escuchar la voz detrás de esta foto sería algo asi como khael noooooooooo bajate , no inventes . Esta foto la tomo la abuela mientras yo corria a bajarlo de esa moto , y es que ellos realmente no entienden de peligro . Y creo que esa frase, es una de las palabras que más le he dicho.

If they could hear the voice behind this photo it would be something like khael noooooooooooooo get off, don't make it up. This picture was taken by grandma while I was running to get him off that bike, and they really don't understand danger. And I think that phrase is one of the words I have said to him the most.

Porque desde pequeño el tiene esa curiosidad por hacer cosas , que todavia no puede o no debe . Y no solo eso sino que , el realmente nunca esta tranquilo . Tanto asi que muchas personas le han querido asignar la etiqueta de #Hiperactivo .

Because since he was a little boy, he has this curiosity to do things that he still can't or shouldn't. And not only that, but he is curious to do things that he can't or shouldn't do. And not only that, but he is never really calm. So much so that many people have wanted to assign him the label #Hiperactive.



Tengo varias experiencias con khael desde antes que naciera , por que recuerdo que cuando estaba en mi vientre, nosotros le hablamos muchisimo y hasta le colocamos musica y mediante que fue creciendo el iba respondiendo a estos estimulos .

I have several experiences with Khael since before he was born, because I remember that when he was in my womb, we talked to him a lot and we even played music for him and as he was growing up he was responding to these stimuli.

Yo sentia como movia su cuerpo dentro de mi ,en respuesta a todo el estimulo que le dimos .

I felt him move his body inside me in response to all the stimulation we gave him.

Cuando el nacio fue aun mayor el estímulo, debido a que era el único bebé dentro de la familia desde hace mucho tiempo, y nosotros como padres primerizos siempre buscámos la forma de hacer contacto con el, jugando bailando o enseñándole cosas.

When he was born the stimulation was even greater, because he was the only baby in the family for a long time, and we as first time parents always looked for ways to make contact with him, playing, dancing or teaching him things.

Es decir que desde muy pequeño él siempre ha estado recibiendo estimulación de todo tipo ,Y de cierta forma está acostumbrado y desea aprender cosas nuevas.

That is to say that since he was very young he has always been receiving stimulation of all kinds, and in a way he is used to it and wants to learn new things.


Todo niño tiene deseo de aprender y su curiosidad le facilita el aprendizaje interactuando con su entorno , es por esto que en alguna etapa, no paran de hacer preguntas , porque esto facilita su comprension del mundo .

Every child has a desire to learn and their curiosity facilitates learning by interacting with their environment, which is why at some stage, they do not stop asking questions, because this facilitates their understanding of the world.

El problema es que en medio de toda esta curiosidad se atreven a hacer cosas en la cual puede ser vulnerables y ponerse en peligro .

The problem is that in the midst of all this curiosity they dare to do things in which they can be vulnerable and put themselves in danger.



Hay muchos niños que normalmente son tranquilos y se quedan sentados , son silenciosos y parecen pequeños adultos y eso esta bien pero tambien hay niños que les gusta jugar, saltar y son bulliciosos y eso tambien deberia estar bien , pero es mas facil buscar una etiqueta adecuada y estigmatizar al niño.

There are many children who are normally quiet and sit still, are quiet and look like little adults and that is fine but there are also children who like to play, jump and are boisterous and that should also be fine, but it is easier to look for a proper label and stigmatize the child.

Un niño sano va a correr va a saltar jugar y hacer todo lo necesario para interactuar con su entorno .

A healthy child is going to run, jump, play and do whatever it takes to interact with his environment

Nosotros como padres le permitimos a khael ser un niño que pueda desenvolverse de la manera más normal posible, eso si respetando el entorno .

We as parents allow Khael to be a child who can function as normally as possible, while respecting the environment.

#Experiencias Experiences

Cuándo khael comenzo clases ,por ser tan inquieto , estaba muy asustada porque pense que volveria loca a la maestra . Pero me sorprendí al preguntarle a maestra como se habia portado y ella me dijo que excelente, que él era muy dulce y obediente. La verdad no era eso que me esperaba que me dijera pero si me sorprendió de manera positiva.

When Khael started classes, because he was so restless, I was very scared because I thought he would drive the teacher crazy. But I was surprised when I asked the teacher how he behaved and she told me that he was very sweet and obedient. The truth was not what I expected her to tell me but I was surprised in a positive way.

Es decir en la casa el sentía que podía ser el, pero en otras partes donde el estuviera , entendía que hay normas sociales, a veces sí, a veces no pero él está en un proceso de aprendizaje.

I mean at home he felt that he could be him, but in other places where he was, he understood that there are social norms, sometimes yes, sometimes no but he is in a learning process.

Obviamente si hay muchos casos de #hiperactividad en niños, pero para poder saber con certeza esto, ,debemos ir a un especialista en la materia, qué es el que determinará , si el niño tiene esta dificultad o no y le dará las herramientas necesarias a los padres para poder ayudarlo.

Obviously there are many cases of #hyperactivity in children, but to know for sure this, we must go to a specialist in the field, which is the one who will determine whether the child has this difficulty or not and will give the necessary tools to parents to help him.

Gracias por leer nuestra experiencia de la #semana41 de #Maternidad.💛💙❤

Thank you for reading our #week41 #Maternity experience.💛💙❤

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