Those Were The Days..

I have 4 kids. When they were little I made it a point to give stability in their lives and a feeling of home. So, instead of spending weekends in malls, we would stay at home and had schedule of activities.
They would usually wake up as early as 5am(that's because I made it a point for them to sleep at 8pm), still in their pajamas, they would get their bikes or scooter and go outside to meet the morning sun.
My husband and I would accompany them as they play on the street in front of our house. Sometimes when my hubby had finished feeding his flocks, we would all ride in his pickup truck, children, bikes and all and go to the plaza.
It was a free and wild playground, sometimes with bruises and gauzes out of it but it only spelled one thing F u n!
If time allows, I would pack their breakfast, swim suit and trunks. From the plaza we would go to the nearby beaches of Oton, Iloilo or farther. By 9am, we would be back home. After lunch, the kids would take a nap. When they wake up, they would again play on the street in front of our house, sometimes with other children of the neighborhood. By 5pm, they will be scrubbed clean for there pajamas/night gown. Dinner was at 6pm. Again, playing, talking, book reading, crayons, etc went on until they were tacked in bed at 8pm. Life was so simple then. I believe I had made my point to them.
Stability was established such that, now that they are grownups, they are just happy to be home. Going out with barkadas is done once in a while but it is not their way of life. Staying at home on weekends is still ok for them. They say that a good orderly and comfortable home is something to allure your hubby and children to park their shoes under their bed each night. Added to that is a good food smell in the kitchen!😀

My third son and hubby with our doggies... What a sight!

They're all getting older and wiser but in my heart they remain my babies. Yeah!
My eldest daughter, my friend!

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