[ES-EN] Primer Día De Clases de Camila // Camila's First Day Of School 💕

Versión en Español

Hola a todos en esta querida comunidad espero hayan tenido un excelente día✨

El dia de hoy quiero hablarles a cerca del primer dia de clases de mi hija Camila. Como ya he comentado en otros post soy mama primeriza y todo lo referente a mi hija me parece interesante y maravilloso asi que imaginense mi emocion en cuanto a su primer dia de clases, estaba un poco nerviosa con el tema de que llorara o como iba a ser su comportamiento en un nuevo ambiente con mas niños y algo completamente nuevo para ella pero una parte de mi me decía que todo estaría bien.


Me levanté temprano le prepare su lonchera con su merienda preferida panquecas de avena, jugo y galleta. La desperté y le hable de que era su primer día de clases y se emociono muchísimo. La hora de entrada era a las 8am y ya a las 7:30am estaba lista jajaja fuimos a llevarla mi esposo y yo llegamos un poco temprano así que nos dejaron entrar hasta el salón con ella bueno llego el momento de dejarla y la verdad nos asustamos por un momento porque abrazo la pierna de papa y dijo: Ella no es mi Mae jajaja le explique que era su nueva maestra y ella la tomo de la mano y le mostró el salón.


Mientras estaba en clases aprovechamos de hacer todas las diligencias pendientes y se hizo la hora de buscarla al retirarla veo que no trae su tapa boca la maestra viene con cara apenada y me dice acaba de ir al baño y lanzo el tapa boca por el hinodoro no hice mas que reirme y abrazarla explicarle que eso no debía hacerlo. jugó un rato en el parque y nos fuimos a casa.


Llegamos a casa y veo que trae su libro y cuaderno donde tenía asignadas sus primeras tareas ya que no ve más clases hasta la proxima semana. Acá en Venezuela el gobierno aplica un metodo llamado 7+7 consiste en 7 dias de “Cuarentena” donde solo trabajan sectores priorizados (Comida y Salud) y 7 dias semana “Flexible” donde abren todos los comercios incluyendo Centros Comerciales y Escuelas. Asi que los niños tendrán clases solo en semanas Flexibles sin embargo en el colegio donde la inscribimos debe ir un dia en semana Radical.

Estas actividades las hizo en su colegio por cierto que su maestra me comento que casi terminando Camila le dijo que estaba muy cansada jaja los niños son una cajita de sorpresas y nunca tenemos tiempo para aburrirnos.

Primeras Actividades



Algo que me gusto mucho y me pareció muy conmovedor este escrito que nos dejo su maestra en el cuaderno de Camila espero tener la paciencia que esta etapa amerita y poder juntos lograr todas las actividades que asignen. Que ella esté feliz se sienta bien y le guste su colegio es un primer paso muy importante.


Me gusta poder compartir esta linda experiencia por acá y que quienes hayan pasado ya por este proceso puedan darme consejos para el momento en que exista la negacion al momento de hacer tareas.

Gracias por leer mi post, espero le haya gustado un gran abrazo mamis y papis.

Todas las imágenes son propiedad del autor

English Version

Hello everyone in this dear community, I hope you had an excellent day✨.

Today I want to talk to you about my daughter Camila's first day of school. As I have already commented in other posts I am a first time mom and everything about my daughter seems interesting and wonderful so imagine my excitement about her first day of school, I was a little nervous about her crying or how she was going to behave in a new environment with more children and something completely new for her but a part of me told me that everything would be fine.

I got up early and prepared her lunch box with her favorite snack: oatmeal pancakes, juice and cookie. I woke her up and told her it was her first day of school and she was so excited. The start time was at 8am and by 7:30am she was ready hahaha we went to take her my husband and I were a little early so they let us go into the classroom with her, well it was time to drop her off and we were scared for a moment because she hugged daddy's leg and said: She is not my Mae hahaha I explained that I was her new teacher and she took her by the hand and showed her the classroom.

While she was in class we took the opportunity to do all the pending errands and it was time to pick her up and when I picked her up I saw that she didn't bring her mouth cover the teacher came with a sad face and told me she had just gone to the bathroom and threw her mouth cover down the toilet.

We get home and I see that she has her book and notebook where she had her first homework assigned since she doesn't see any more classes until next week. Here in Venezuela the government applies a method called 7+7 consisting of 7 days of "Quarantine" where only priority sectors work (Food and Health) and 7 days of "Flexible" week where they open all stores including Malls and Schools. So the children will have classes only in Flexible weeks however in the school where we enrolled her must go one day in Radical week.

She did these activities at her school, by the way her teacher told me that when she was almost finished Camila said she was very tired haha kids are a little box of surprises and we never have time to get bored.

First activities

Something that I liked very much and I found very touching is this writing that her teacher left us in Camila's notebook. I hope to have the patience that this stage deserves and to be able to accomplish together all the activities that are assigned. That she is happy, feels good and likes her school is a very important first step.

Something that I liked very much and I found very touching this writing that her teacher left us in Camila's notebook. I hope to have the patience that this stage deserves and to be able to achieve together all the activities that they assign.

I like to be able to share this nice experience here and that those who have already gone through this process can give me advice for the moment in which there is a refusal when doing homework.

Thank you for reading my post, I hope you liked it a big hug mommies and daddies.

All images are property of the author

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