Hello my dear friends

How are you all?
I'm always healthy and I hope you all are too

The end of the year like this, makes me very busy. I have a lot of work to do, and maybe you do too. Stay healthy and consume healthy foods and vitamins, ok?

It's already the end of the 11th month when I did this check, my pregnancy has entered the 29th week. Usually once every 1 month I will do my obstetric check to the obstetrician.

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I did my obstetric check at a pharmacy that opened a doctor's practice. The pharmacy was named "Apotek Bunda Farma/ The Bunda Farma Pharmacy ".

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Apotek Bunda Farma opens at 08.00 in the morning but the obstetrician's practice opens at 17.00. obstetrician named dr. Wahyuni H. Talaohu, Sp.OG, who is an obstetrician who works at Masohi General Hospital. dr. Wahyuni is the only obstetrician in this city. Therefore, the practice is always crowded by visitors who want to check the content.

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After waiting in line and my name being called, I entered the check room and was immediately asked to sleep on the examination bed. When performing a 2D ultrasound and measuring the weight of the fetus, the doctor proceeds with a 3D ultrasound examination to examine the condition of the fetus in more detail.


Unfortunately, her face could not be seen clearly because her right hand covered part of her face. It's really very funny actually.

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She looked like she was embarrassed to see her face. While her left hand is holding the soles of the feet that come up to her face.

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Ahhh, my little baby is so cute. We and the doctor laughed at her behavior. I am grateful that my baby is very active. She also likes to scratch her face. She likes to put her feet up on her face. Exactly like me. It felt like the nausea and aches that I had been feeling all this time disappeared in an instant when I saw it, even though it was only once a month. I'm very happy to have it. And I can't wait to welcome her into this world in a few months.

At 29 weeks pregnant, the doctor took my baby's weight, listened to her heartbeat and saw her position. Her head is already down, on the way out of the fetus, which means it's in a good position. I am very grateful that my baby is in good health. Although when measuring the weight of the fetus, there was a slight excess of weight, but it was still within normal limits. It seems my fetus is very healthy because it absorbs a lot of food from me. Lol...

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For those of you who are also pregnant, make sure you tell your doctor all the complaints you are experiencing. And make sure properly how the health condition of your fetus. Take the vitamins your doctor recommends, and eat a healthy diet.

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It's okay if your body grows because you eat a lot. What is important is that your fetus is healthy with adequate nutrition. Also get enough rest and drink plenty of mineral water. And do some light exercise.

I hope that my baby will remain healthy and normal in the future. See you in 2 months, little baby.

Thank you friends for reading my story. And thanks for all the support.

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