My newborn Starved for 2days after Birth

My baby starved for 2days after birth and got jaundiced. I'm sharing this for people to learn from my experience.
This is still a touchy story for me. I beat myself mentally a thousand time whenever I remember this heartbreaking experience.

When I learned about the importance of breast milk for baby's all-round growth and development, I did not hesitate to make up my mind to breastfeed her exclusively. I wanted the best for her and I will always do what’s within my power to give her the best.

So, immediately I put to birth I started exclusive breastfeeding. She latched on well or so I thought. She was willing, happy and eager to breastfeed. She even made funny cute noises with her mouth when she was breastfeeding through my breast was engorged I was sure she can handle it and get the enough milk she needed and so I thought all was good.

My heart sank when I noticed a cloud of yellow-green color on my baby's eyes. It was very early in the morning, i had just woken up and so I thought I was just imagining it. Plus my baby was not fully awake, she only wanted to feed. After feeding her I allowed her to sleep some more.

Non the less, I told my mom about my suspicion and she advised i wait till she wakes before doing a thorough inspection. When she finally did, my suspicions were confirmed. My babies eyes were a lot more yellow- green and her skin became somewhat yellow too. I was very sad.

We went back to the hospital, they assured me all will be well and they kept her under photo emission stuff. The doctor also injected some fluid which he said was food for her in simple terms.
During our stay at the hospital, my burse discovered she was not latching well and as a result not taking enough milk. The noise she made with her mouth was not actually out of satisfaction but frustration! My baby was not taking anything in and its been two days after her birth! I couldn’t forgive myself for starving her for two days. My state of mind that moment was the worse feeling ever.

I was in a lot of pain physically from my stitched tears and even deeper pain emotionally from seeing my baby lying there under some light blinded and looking pale all because I didn’t pay more attention.

Things I would have done differently:

  1. Pump breast milk to be sure about the least amount of milk she took.
  2. Watched out for gulping or swallowing sound instead of the ones she made with her mouth.
  3. Get a breastfeeding pillow to aide easier breastfeeding.
  4. Express my breast milk to make it easier for her.
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