[ESP/ENG] Lo nuevo en la dieta de Sebasti谩n: El Br贸coli 馃尦

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Saludos comunidad, espero se encuentren muy bien, ser madre no es tarea f谩cil, pero tiene en todo su esplendor momentos maravillosos que nunca deja de sorprendernos, de alegrarnos y de causarnos ternura.

Mi hijo nunca ha sido amante de las ensaladas, hasta que comenz贸 a comer lechuga por br贸coli, el dec铆a que eso era brocoli, y por m谩s que uno le dec铆a que no, el "terco" que eso era brocoli, igual es lo 煤nico que come por ensalada..

Hasta que despu茅s de mostr谩rselo por foto y entendi贸 por fin que era brocoli, y ya comenz贸 a preguntar que cuando le iba a comprar br贸coli. Cuando por fin se dio el momento, fue genial, para el ver ese mini 谩rbol.. estaba tan contento que exclamo 隆Por fin, voy a probar el br贸coli! y agradeci贸 a Dios por eso..

Greetings community, I hope you are very well, being a mother is not an easy task, but it has in all its splendor wonderful moments that never cease to surprise us, to make us happy and cause us tenderness.

My son has never been a salad lover, until he started eating lettuce for broccoli, he said that was broccoli, and no matter how many times you told him no, he was "stubborn" that it was broccoli, and that is the only thing he eats for salad.

Until after I showed it to him by photo and he finally understood that it was broccoli, and he started to ask when he was going to buy broccoli. When the moment finally came, it was great, for him to see that mini tree... he was so happy that he exclaimed Finally, I'm going to try broccoli! and he thanked God for that...


Todo pintaba bonito 馃き馃槄, la primera receta, fue br贸coli con trocitos de queso con arepita, y se lo comi贸 contento.. y feliz porque por fin lo estaba probando..

la segunda receta, fue en una ensalada cruda, de br贸coli y br贸coli 馃槄(lechuga), arroz y carne.. tambi茅n se lo comi贸 con gusto, mi hijo por lo general deja comida siempre, esta vez me pidio un poco mas de arroz, quiz谩s le eche muy poco, pero me dio gusto que me pidiera m谩s.. sucede que yo no cocino y estoy adentrandome en el mundo de la cocina jaja as铆 que se imaginaran que la comida de una persona que comienza no es tan buena.. pero hago mi mejor esfuerzo..

Everything was looking good 馃き馃槄, the first recipe was broccoli with pieces of cheese with arepita, and he ate it happily... and happy because he was finally tasting it...

the second recipe, was a raw salad, broccoli and broccoli 馃槄(lettuce), rice and meat.. he also ate it with pleasure, my son usually leaves food always, this time he asked me for a little more rice, maybe I put too little, but I was happy that he asked me for more... it happens that I don't cook and I'm getting into the world of cooking haha so you can imagine that the food of a person who starts is not so good... but I do my best...


la tercera receta, fue br贸coli, revuelto con huevo, esta me gusto mas a mi, pero mi hijo ya en ese punto me dijo, mam谩 ya no quiero mas br贸coli, jaja tanta emoci贸n que le termino en tres comidas, tambi茅n muy seguidas lo admito. Pero hay cosas rescatables de esto, mi hijo se atrevi贸 a probar algo nuevo, tambi茅n por su mismo deseo claro esta, pero por lo general el se niega a cosas nuevas, prefiere lo conocido, sin embargo, se esta adaptando, en estos d铆as vivimos un ligero cambio lo que me ha llevado a cocinar yo, antes realmente no lo hacia. pero eso esta muy bien para ambos.

Claramente no se me ocurri贸 hacer algo mas con el br贸coli, porque si vi muchas recetas, pero aja, en unas dec铆a que se deb铆a cocinar por un tiempo determinado para que no pierda nutrientes, que si al vapor, y yo como hago eso.. 馃槄 me fui por lo mas normalito..

the third recipe, was broccoli, scrambled with egg, this one I liked more to me, but my son already at that point told me, mom I don't want more broccoli, haha so much emotion that I finish it in three meals, also very close I admit it. But there are some redeemable things about this, my son dared to try something new, also by his own desire of course, but usually he refuses new things, he prefers the known, however, he is adapting, these days we live a slight change which has led me to cook myself, before I really did not do it, but that is very good for both of us.

Clearly it did not occur to me to do something else with broccoli, because I did see many recipes, but aha, in some it said that it should be cooked for a certain time so that it does not lose nutrients, that if steamed, and I how do I do that.... 馃槄 I went for the most normal....


Lo cierto es que mi Sebas ya lo probo y no se cuando se vuelva antojar..

importante es elegir el br贸coli, que este fresco, y este debe ser verde oscuro, sino es as铆, no es tan fresco, recomendaci贸n de esta experta jaja.. pero lo cierto es que si tiene otra coloraci贸n, menos verde o amarillenta el br贸coli no esta tan fresco.

Gracias a todos por su apoyo y por leer mi post.. un fuerte abrazo..

The truth is that my Sebas already tried it and I don't know when he will crave it again....

I think it's important to choose fresh broccoli, and it should be dark green, otherwise it's not so fresh, recommendation of this expert haha... but the truth is that if it has another color, less green or yellowish broccoli is not so fresh.

Thank you all for your support and for reading my post... a big hug....

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