My Best And Worse Of 2022

Good evening everyone and happy Christmas to you all.

Every woman happiness is to give the best to her children because there happiness is our concern, mother can go to any length such has selling their rappers to see that the give them the best because that is were we derive joy, when the children are happy we are happy also.

The best thing that happen 2022

Was the day my baby came to the world, even when all hope was lost concerning her, after I when for scanning, the doctor said my baby is not setting right and in other to save my life, the have to flush the pregnancy, my husband agree but I say no to that idea, from there I go to God in prayer asking him to save both of us and I keep my faith alive, on the second appointment my doctor asked me if am ready for the flushing of the baby, that up to now, there is no change but I still stands my ground and the doctor said as my faith carries but he has told me is left for me, I can't explain how I succeeded
Even though I pass through C's (Cesarean section) today I and my baby we are all doing great, is the best thing seeing my baby alive because among the people that we had CS together not all that came out alive while some lost their baby, that is why I said is my best year.

The wors thing that happen 2022

I suppose to keep enough teddy bear and other children things in my children room but am incapacitated, which makes my children to be going to my neighbour room to play so one-day she has to send them out of her house, by saying common things for play your mother can not afford, it may sound simple put is a pig statement.
It was not funny for me, this statement she make affecting me for over 2 month, no any mother that can't love her children to the extent of denying them that happiness, that is the worse I received this year.


I believe things will not remain the same, surely my children will enjoy them self like any children, I will try my best to see I put everything set in order for them to stop going to our neighbor house all in the name of play.

All pictures are mine.

Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely night.

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