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My Son's 1st Academic Achievement: Recognition Day!šŸ’•

"Your child's every first milestone will always be the most memorable one in his life." - Unknown


My unwavering HELLO to all proud Hive parents and friends! It's Graduation and Recognition season here in the Philippines, and I am extremely proud to share my son's recognition day with you!

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It was a fine and bright day. The venue of the recognition rites and moving-up ceremony was held in the barangay-covered court. I am sure that my four-year-old son was not as excited as I am. Who wouldn't be, right? It's my first time too, haha...! I finally experienced the feeling of those parents who have walked their children to the stage.


We were getting ready for the start of the program. I was fixing his Toga (white gown) and his white hat. He was not as energetic because he had a fever the day before the ceremony. He was not in his best mood. However, he had been very cooperative as we were getting ready for the processional.


In the beginning, Cedrick was participating and cooperating with the flow but I knew he would get bored because he was not feeling 100% well that time. And I was right! He got so irritated with the hot weather. He was sweating and very uneasy.


I was grateful that I was able to bring long patience to handle him. After a while, he was in his seat again. 26 children were recognized as completers and it was overwhelming to see how cute they were in their white gowns. Their teacher, also known as "Tita Tata", who put a lot of effort into decorating the venue and the stage was truly commendable. The kids loved the balloons so much!


My son, though not in the mood, actively walked to the stage when his name was called to receive his certificate of recognition. He gamely offered his hand for a handshake to all the people on stage.



I knew that he would not participate in their moving-up song because first, he doesn't like singing and second, he doesn't like dancing...haha! Yet I am more than happy and proud to see him stand there together with his classmates.


To my surprise, Tita Tata asked me a favor in the middle of the program. She requested me to deliver a short message as we handed over to the Barangay the donation from the parents of the completers. As one of the parents, I accepted the request on behalf of the parents. We proudly and humbly handed over a table, a trash bin, and a floor mop. The donation was then accepted by Honorable Sollano, the barangay captain. You might wonder why the barangay was the one accepting the donation. It is because Day Care Centers are funded by the Local Government Units. But the donation received is still to be used in the Day Care centers.



It was an honor for me to speak on behalf of my co-parents. It just so happened that I was the one who had a thick face to speak over the microphone...haha!




After the short ceremony, we took the photo opportunity with his teacher and classmates. I couldn't help but smile and be thankful for how fast the years had gone by.



My children, the priceless blessing I have received from the Almighty! The source of my inspiration and my sense of direction. My motherhood journey had been great because of them!


Time flies so fast. Last time I thought, he was just a tiny baby in my arms. Now to my amazement, he has grown up and will soon start kindergarten very soon.


To my beloved son, Loid Cedrick, if you can read this blog when you grow up. Know that I am very proud of you! I don't think that you need to become an achiever academically because your mother is a teacher. I want you to think that I need you and your happiness more than your academic achievements. We want you to learn and love learning at your own pace, with no pressure, no expectations... Papa and Mama loved you so much!

As a parent, I often dream big for my children which sometimes leads me to pressure them to reach certain standards of success in learning. However, I realized that our children are unique individuals who have dreams for their selves too. What we need is to give our full support to their dreams, not our dreams for them. And it should start as they begin school. Our role as their first teachers is to scaffold their learning development, not to pressure them to reach our expectations. That being said, it should start with a simple appreciation for what they've got and are capable of at the early stage of learning.

That's all for now my friends! I hope you enjoyed this short post. To all parents around the world, know that YOU ARE DOING GREAT being a parent! Congratulations! See you on my next blog. God Bless and Big hugs!